Monday, 8 November 2021

In A Vase On Monday - Amazing Amaryllis

Hello Everyone,

I don't have a vase to share today ... there's not a lot blooming in the garden at the moment ... so I thought I'd share my amazing Amaryllis instead.

What makes it amazing for me is that it's the first time I've ever saved a bulb from a previous year and it's survived to flower again. 
Not that I did anything special. It's only been stored in the cold frame all the way through spring and summer but it must have provided the bulb just the right conditions to bring it on and bloom again. It's early so I.m thinking it will be over by the time we get to Christmas but I'm happy to enjoy it's beauty right now. And, of course, I will do exactly as I did once flowering is over and pop it back into the cold frame in the hope she will amaze me again next year. 

If my amazing Amaryllis has impressed you do pop over to Cathy's blog, Rambling in the Garden to see even more lovely floral offerings. 


Cathy said...

Oh well done you!! It's not something I have ever succeeded with and have given up trying, just throwing the bulbs away after they have flowered. You must be so thrilled, and what joy it must be bringing you 😊 Thanks for sharing it with us too

Kris Peterson said...

Getting an amaryllis to bloom this early is a feat, whether intentional or not, Elizabeth! It's beautiful.

Susie @ pbmGarden said...

Lovely amaryllis. Always nice to get reblooming. I have several that live in the ground and several in pots but reblooms are unpredictable.

cuilliesocks said...

It's a beautiful bloom, Kate x

Sandra H said...

So beautiful