Wednesday 8 March 2023


Hello Everyone,

Happy International Women's Day to you all. Thanks for visiting and I hope this finds you well and enjoying lots of crafting time. 

So another three weeks has sped by and I've been missing in action again! Still trying to get my new craftroom sorted but I'm getting there, slowly but surely. A new desk and shelving has been added. 

With thanks to my daughter and her hubby for assembling it all for me. Silver approves too. 

I'm still unpacking but taking my time to finding a home for everything. The labeling of the boxes is essential or I won't be able to find a thing. 

There's someone coming tomorrow to mount the TV up out of the way on the wall above the desk. Then the next big job I have lined up is to set up my PC and all its attachments on my desk in such a way it's taking up the least possible space. Such fun!

I've had very little time, or inclination if I'm honest, to scrap for several weeks but I did join in with the Mind The Scrap Cyber Crop recently and manage to create these four layouts. 

Not great but every little helps. 

It's still cold up here though we've not seen so much as a flake of the promised snow. Not that I'm complaining as it would put a stop to my occasional walkabouts. Here's a couple of pics from a recent walk to the beach. 

In a garden a few doors down. 

And this is a rare site - a post box! This one was tucked inside a privet hedge, almost in hiding. 

And, of course, the beach. 

The vessel that can be seen in the distance is the ferry to the Isle of Arran. 

That's it from me today. I'm late again but, as it's still Wednesday, I hope I'll be forgiven by not only our Head Desker, Julia, over on the Stamping Ground but by all you lovely WOYWWers! 

Before I go here's a wonderful photo taken of the Aurora borealis (also known as the Northern Lights) seen here in Ardrossan one night last week. 

Bye for now,
