Monday, 24 October 2016

In A Vase On Monday - Autumn Forage

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday was such a perfect autumnal day - cool but bright, sunny and dry - we took a walk along the riverside, and for once I remembered to take the scissors with me in the hope of finding material for today's vase.
There's was plenty to tempt me but, as part of the walk was through the university campus, on one bank of the river, I resisted some very tempting berries and instead cut some holly with berries, wild rose hips and ivy flowers from the bank on the other public walkway.

Once home, I popped into the garden where I found red cotoneaster,berries, silvery honesty seedheads (Lunaria annua), more red in the dogwood stem and leaves (Cornus alba 'Siberian Pearls'). A great surprise was to find a couple of flower clusters on the golden hop (Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'). This hop has been growing in a pot for something like eight years and this is the first time it has flowered.

And because the colours were perfect, I added the last bud from the rose 'Hot Chocolate' and the last three blooms from Echinacea 'Tomato Soup'.

I couldn't resist picking up these feather found on the walk to add to my very own 'nature table' (actually the top of a bookcase). Ever since my primary school days I have enjoyed having a nature table. The black and white striped one looks as though it came from a magpie and the other could be from a collared dove. Both birds are frequent visitors in our garden though they don't usually lose their feathers there..

While in the garden I picked some bright asters (the pink one is Aster novai-angliae 'Andenken an Alma Potschke' and the purple is a dwarf form, name forgotten) and clematis flowers which I popped into another vase with a sprig of Viburnum 'Eve Price'.

Clematis 'Barbara Dibley'.

Hope you enjoyed my vases today. It's surprising what can still be found when out autumn foraging, whether it is in the garden or in the wild. I forgot to mention that the rose hips were found growing on the sand dunes down on the beach - not a place I associate with roses.

I will be joining in and adding a link to this post over at Rambling in The Garden for Cathy's lovely meme, In A Vase On Monday.

Have a marvellous Monday,


Barb said...

Absolutely Beautiful! Barbxx

Anonymous said...

You could have based the post title around the hot chocolate and tomato soup...! ;) They were a great combination with the various berries and this meme really encourages us to forage around our gardens or elsewhere for things we might otherwise overlook. Thanks for sharing today

Kris Peterson said...

I admire those pink asters and that gorgeous Clematis flower but the first vase is actually my favorite. I love its warm colors and the diverse collection of materials. I'm trying to grow Lunaria in my own garden but it hasn't done at all well.

Eliza Waters said...

A vibrant fall assemblage, Elizabeth. Very pretty!

Sandra H said...

So pretty! x

Darnell said...

Those jewel-toned vases are stunning today, Elizabeth!! My son grew hops for a few years when he was home-brewing beer (until he got gout!) and I thought they were so beautiful! Hugs, Darnell

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth, you've such a great range of textures in your vases. Very autumnal and lovely.