Sunday, 23 January 2022

Christmas Card Club Challenge - Cards 4-6/2022 - Anything Goes

 Hello Everyone,

Happy Sunday to you all. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

I'm back for the second Christmas Card Club Challenge of the year. Christine has chosen 'the true meaning of Christmas' as her theme and, as always, there's the alternative of 'anything goes'. Because I've been recycling some of the beautiful cards received for Christmasses past again, I've chosen to go with the second option today.

Apologies for the poor quality of the photos - the lighting here is dire today. To make the cards I just dug into my boxes of cardstock and paper scraps and chose pieces that matched the toppers. The shape and size of each card was dictated by how big or small the toppers were when they were cut from the original cards. Two dies from a rectangle set was used to cut out the topper and silver mat on the third card. I wish I could claim ownership of the very pretty die used to cut the vellum topper on the second card but sadly not - it belongs to the sender of the original card! 

That's it for today. I hope you will pop over to see what my teammates have created this week. You'll find a list of their names and links on my right sidebar - as always they are so much more creative than I will ever be


dutchess said...

3 great cards Elizabeth…you have really made the most of your recycling and using up stash,they are so colourful…
It’s dull and dank here after 3 glorious days of sunshine so sitting watching the tennis this morning…take care xxxx

Rita said...

Good Morning Elizabeth. Three beautiful cards. Your cards are always a pleasure to see. I recycle some cards too but the Hospice are always grateful to receive them. Have a lovely day. Hugs Rita xxx

Sandra H said...

Beautiful cards and l like that you have recycled them xx

Christine Harrop said...

You have made three great cards Elizabeth. It's always satisfying when you've up stash or recycled something. Have a good day. Christine xx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Three lovely Christmas cards using upcycled ones from previous years, a great way to get ahead with the mammoth task of amassing enough cards by December.

cuilliesocks said...

You've made a great job of recycling your cards Elizabeth, each one is fabulous, really love the one with the trees, Kate x

gwen70 said...

3 wonderful cards, love them x

Zoe Tant said...

What a great selection Elizabeth. All three very different but all just as lovely. Zoe x

rachel said...

These are great Elizabeth - really lovely! Great recycling! Hugs rachel x

Mrs A. said...

Three gorgeous cards and I couldn't get a decent photo either today. It has been very dull and bleake here. Hugs Mrs A.