Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Scrap Pages 08 & 09/2021

Hello Everyone

And Happy Tuesday to you all. Continuing with the recording of my own personal scrapping challenge, that is to create at least 200 pages this year, here is another two of the pages made so far. There's more, but I don't want to bore you with sharing too much in any one post. 

I Made That

Super Food

Both these pages were made for challenges from a Mind The Scrap cyber crop, and because we are in lockdown the subjects are, inevitably, to do with being home. I really did make the dresser in the top page - 27 years ago. - with the help of my mum. It arrived as a flatpack so I laid all the pieces out on the floor and, as mum read the instructions out to me, I put them together. I remember I was inordinately proud of myself and it still has pride of place in our dining room. 

The food in the second page was inspired by a new cookbook which concentrated on baking/roasting veggie meals in the oven. Food and the preparation and cooking of it, has become very important during this last year. Especially when I lost my sense of taste and then the sense of smell ... which has yet to return to normal.  

Because there is a mountain of leftover paper scraps here, I concentrated on using as many as possible on these two pages and as many old embellishments too. My focus was to cut down on spending and the amount of stuff that has accumulated over the years. It still is my main focus - I know, it's difficult to resist all the lovely paper collections, etc. but I try - some things will never change!

Hopefully, I'll be back pretty soon with another two pages, just for the record. 

In the meantime, I hope you are all well and thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. 

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