Friday 27 September 2024

Friday Smiles - It's the Little Things

 I've been intending to join in with Annie's meme, This Week's Smiles, on her blog, A Stitch in Time, for weeks now but somehow never quite got there until today. 

I'll try to keep it as brief as possible because it's been a week of appreciating the little things.

I'm finally, after two years of living without, able to set up my sewing machine. After the move I couldn't find the power lead so I finally phoned a sewing machine repair service based in Glasgow for help. Help they did! Even though they don't usually post spare parts out. So thanks to Sewing Machines Direct for service above and beyond expectation. 

To celebrate, I took a trip up to the black hole, aka the shed, where the packing boxes have lain unopened for just as long as the sewing machine has been untouched and found these. Fat quarters. Just the thing for rusty old me to practice on. 
More little things. The October issues of my two favourite magazines - The Simple Things & Happiful - have been delivered. They go so nicely with a cuppa! Happiful has a recipe for Blackberry Banana Bread which, as I have blackberries growing at the top of the garden, I had to try.
Not quite as illustrated but baking is another thing I'm out of practice in. I haven't mastered the new fan oven too. It's all trial and error.
My 'staff of tasters' reported it was delicious and I enjoyed this slice smothered in butter. It will look better next time.
Finally, it's my lovely son-in-law's 60th birthday today. Graeme's had a tough year having lost both his father-in-law and, just a few weeks ago, his own much loved father. Here's wishing him a a less traumatic and happier year to come. 

Hope you've had a lovely week, with much to smile about, and that next week is good too.

Take care Everyone

1 comment:

Annie said...

It’s sooooo lovely to see you joining in today. You’ve certainly given me lots to smile about. How wonderful to be able to sew again…have fun.
Happy birthday to Graeme…here’s to a much happy year ahead for him.
Annie x