Wednesday, 10 May 2023

What's On Your Workdesk - Week 727

Hello Everyone,

Goodness! I'm here for another WOYWW, hosted as ever by our wonderful Head Desker, Julia over on her blog, the Stamping Ground. And it's lovely to be able to join in again so soon after the last time a couple of weeks ago.

Many thanks to all who commented on my last WOYWW post - I can't begin to tell you how much your comment help me feel as though I still belong, in a very small way, to this wonderful crafting community.

Apologies to those of you I didn't leave a comment. Life just got in the way but I won't bore you with the gory details. 

Happily, I do have something on my desk today. 
Not, as you might hope, anything scrappy or crafty related but something I am hoping to work on over the summer months, when time permits. I love primula auriculas and did have several in my last garden. I only managed to bring these two with me. 

Lovely, aren't they?

I didn't envisage how much I'd miss them so I'm going to attempt to grow some from seed. Hopefully, the Wisely Handbook will help me succeed. Wish me luck!
Silver, as ever, finds the most comfortable spot to snooze in, this time she's as snug as a bug on a blanket crocheted by my late mum. 

To bring you up to date on what's going on with hubby. Today we ordered a wheelchair - the kind that folds up for traveling. He already has a walker which is great for him getting about the flat but not so good for getting around hospitals and supermarkets, etc. The wheelchair should make it possible for him to get out and about a bit more. 

I'm off, with my daughter, to get my hair done later today and not before time! As usual I will do my best to visit and comment on your posts but just in case I don't have a wonderful week everyone. 

Bye for now,


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth nice to see you. Hope you get chance to get round the desks. I understand what you're going through. We gradually got equipment to help my mum keep moving but she has had to go into a care home now and we've been busy trying to get everything sorted. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x10x

Annie said...

I really hope the wheelchair helps get Alan out and about as the sunny weather comes.
I'm playing catch up with my favourite blogs now Louie has gone home. It's been a full on morning and I still have 2 customers to come yet [and their sewing to do of course].

Annie x #8

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great idea to get the folding wheelchair, that should make life easier for everyone and it’l be lovely for Alan to get out a bit more. Those auricles are amazing, the old theatres they used to have for them are so showy and OTT, I love them. I’d very much like to send you an ATC but don’t have your new address.
Hugs LLJ 12 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I do hope the wheelchair makes it easier for Alan to get out more Elizabeth - better for you too. Enjoy the planting. Silver looks very snug- meow! Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #5

Helen said...

The wheelchair sounds a good idea, and will help you both being able to get out a bit more. Don't worry about visiting us, we can wait! hope the trip to the hairdressers went well, it does make you feel a load better I find. Sending hugs. Helen #2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It sounds like a wheelchair is perfect for what your husband will need to be mobile. Your flowers are beautiful. I wish you luck with the seeds. Some seeds work great for me, others I can't get to even start. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

LesleyG said...

I do hope you can get out more now the sun shines, good luck with the seeds, and hope you enjoyed your well deserved pamper xxx

Neet said...

Lovely to see you here.
Sorry to hear Alan is needing a wheelchair to get out and about, especially as you have moved to somewhere he can, hopefully, enjoy getting out to see.
Mayj you have many a happy hour with good weather, walking together onk the prom.
Hugs, Neet xx 4?

Julia Dunnit said...

Never be in any doubt that you’re still a part of this community Elizabeth, it’s a lifetime membership, like it or not!! So glad to hear that you’re going to have a stab at growing some Auricula, I’m sure they’ll work and give you such pleasure. They seem to me to be a very obliging species, which is just one of my many reasons for liking them! We had a lightweight wheelchair for Mum and it was absolutely worth its weight in gold, not being able to get about outside was definitely not good for her or my Pa’s mental health, and I have to be honest, they got more tolerance and understanding from the more able bodied and minded when they used it. Makes me cross, but there ya go, people still like an outward sign of some sort of disability. (I got told off at the airport in February for not wearing a sunflower lanyard when I had to explain to someone that my deafness on one side had prevented me hearing her apparently repeated request…) !!

Christine said...

I am so with you about the Auriculas. I love them and did manage to grow some from seed . . . they were all shades of a mucky yellow and dull orange . . . .but the squirrel likes them, the roots actually so I only have about 3 plants now!!!
Hope the wheelchair helps with getting about. Peter bought a beautiful walker with a seat for himself before he died and, I must admit, I am forever grateful for the use of it. It has taken all the standing waiting in queues and for buses.
I've had a catchup . . . your craftroom is starting to look good, well done you.
have a good week
Christine #21

Susan Renshaw said...

Hello Elizabeth... I am afraid I am very late visiting and commenting thisxweek and I am not sure if I got round everyone last week - hope to do better in week 728!
That book looks lovely and the two varieties beautiful.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #3