Hello Everyone,
Late again! No good excuse except that my workload has either increased due to Mr W's Covid induced incapacity, my preferred excuse, or I'm just slowing down - hard to admit, but true nonetheless. Whichever, I'm still late to Julia's weekly WOYWW party over at the Stamping Ground.
And before I reveal what's on my desk, I need to apologise to everyone I didn't manage to visit and leave a comment with last week. I did try, honestly, but I just ran out of time. I'm trying. When he's being flippant Mr W would say I can be very trying indeed :) Enough of my grovelling! Here's what's on my desk today.
Still scrapbooking - it's what's keeping me sane at the moment. (I won't go on, but there's an increased incidence of the dreaded virus in our area which means we could be back in lockdown imminently.) And just for my own entertainment, I'm working my way through a pile of mini kits I put together a while ago - last year, I think. The papers in this one look perfect for the wedding photo of my lovely cousin, Rachel, and her hero, Chris.
And many thanks to Jan, aka LLJ, who sent the lovely notecard you can see lying on the keyboard. She, like many of you, has been so kind while we've been poorly, regularly getting in touch and asking how we're doing and sending best wishes. Needless to say, it all helped immensely and I am so grateful for all the concern shown. It's the friendships made through this blog, and especially through Julia and her What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, that have meant, and continue to mean, so much to both of us. Our thanks go to you all.
And now a sort of return to the book bit.

Note: not the usual audiobooks but real, have to pick them up and read, printed on paper books. When I was able to do not much more than just keep breathing these books kept my interest from day to day, and they continue to do so. It all started with the audiobook of 'Wonderland - A year of Britain's Wildlife Day by Day' by Brett Westwood & Stephen Moss. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the authors taking me through the year on audio. But it didn't take long for me to realise that really what I needed was the printed version so that I'd be able to check out each daily entry on the date itself. And the search for the book online led me to 'Every Day Nature' by Andy Beer, which is subtitled 'How noticing nature can quietly change your life'. For me, that has proved to be so true. This book has beautiful illustrations throughout. I now know so much more than I ever thought I would about our native wildlife - from the Emperor Dragonfly to Woody Nightshade, Montagu's Harrier to Wart-Biter Cricket! And the two bird books? They're old faithfuls that have been around for years!
That's it from me this week. As ever, I'm looking forward to catching up with you all, over at
The Stamping Ground,
Take care and stay safe.