Morning WOYWWers and All,
It's still morning - just! It's been a while ... months actually ... but I'm finally feeling as though I have the energy, and the time, to join in with you all again. Mr W is recovering well from his most recent stay in the hospital - hopefully his last too. Many thanks for all your good wishes. I'm sure they have helped us pull through. Enough of that, it's onward and upward for us from now on. And so to the desk.

It's looking not to messy this morning. It's taken me weeks to even think about any kind of crafting, be it with paper or fabric even, but I have got back into scrapping. That's mainly thanks to the encouragement of the cyber crops and challenges being organised online by Mind The Scrap, etc.. The virus might have prevented us from going to real live crops but it hasn't stopped us meeting up cyberly - so to speak. The page in progress is one for the family history album (FHA). That's a pic of me and my baby brother with our dad taken in 1949 - so long ago! Here's one I finished yesterday, also for the FHA.

That's me in 1948. I'm somewhere between 6 and 8 months I think. The photo was taken in the back garden of the cottage we lived in then., No. 2 Pear Tree Cottages, Marchwood, in Hampshire, which was as idyllic as it sounds. Because most of the old family photos are very small compared with the 6"x4" we are more used to today, I scanned and enlarged the original sepia photo but included both in the layout. I know it's recommended that we keep the originals and preserve them for posterity but, truth is, it's much more probable that I'm saving them from landfill by including them in my layouts. The completed FHA is more likely to be handed down through the family.
I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things some time in the future but there's no book bit this week. Instead, I'm sharing this delightful photo of books.
I'm sure some of you will have already spotted it on Facebook but I thought it was so clever it was worth sharing here.
That's it from me this week. I'm looking forward to catching up with you all, over at
The Stamping Ground, but I should say it could take me the entire week to read and comment on your blogs. Apologies in advance but please bear with me ... I'll get to you all eventually.
Take care and stay safe.