Wednesday 17 July 2024

WOYWW - Week 789/9

Hello Everyone,

It's Wednesday, our day for sharing to What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday now hosted over at Sarah's Craft Shed. Here's what mine is looking like today.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a very short post this week because there's been no scrapbooking going on. I had plans as can be seen from that pile, the contents of one of those homemade kits I put together before the great house move in 2022, but a delivery of tiny shelving proved too diverting. 
Of course it came in the form of flatpacks. Everything does now. Sigh! Saves on shipping, I know, but just for once I'd love to be able to simply unwrap and go. 
The plan was to have both units on the craft desk but the two together took up too much scrappy space. One is now on the computer desk - sorry I forgot to take a shot of it. The intention was to get as many of my ink pads as possible out of the inconvenient drawer they were stashed in. Success! 

And that's it, I'm afraid. Not a lot of crafting. However, a break in the weather let me fit in a lovely walk down along the seafront.

And a bit of gardening. Well, pottering and enjoying the wildflowers growing happily in the back garden.
The pottering above and a few of the wildflowers below.
Scarlet Pimpernel

Common Daisy

So nothing exciting doing this week. Just continued improvement in the weather and my health. And talking of health, Silver's been in the wars. 
She's taken to searching in the bramble patch growing at the top of the back garden. I'm sure it's home to many a tiny creature but it's also very thorny. It might be hard to spot in the photo but she's got scratches around her nose. All healing nicely but I don't think a few scratches will prevent her going a-hunting in the bramble patch again.

As usual, I will do my best to visit and comment on everyone that leaves their link on Sarah's post today

Have a brilliant week everyone. Here's hoping for good weather so the children can enjoy their summer holiday. 

Take care, everyone,


Helen said...

the new storage looks great, even if a) you had to build it yourself and b) you couldn't have it all where you wanted! Great photos - lovely blue sky! Hope Silver recovers soon. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Yay I managed to find a way to comment this week Elizabeth - really tried last week but wouldn't let me. Nice looking storage there - always useful to have ink pads handy. Hope Silver is scratch free soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW - Thanks for joining in. Sarah

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, loving the new storage it's going to be very useful. Poor kitty, I know how she feels as the brambles have gone mad in our garden too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x10x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Those shelves are brilliant - I have storage envy!! You did a great job of putting them together and they work very well for putting the inks out more accessibly. Love the pics of the wildflowers too, just as beautiful as garden plants - poor old Silver though, a scratched nose must have been sore, poor old puss cat. Hope it heals well and she doesn’t do it again!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Neet said...

I too had to put an ink pad container together a couple of years ago. Still wants sticking to make it firmer. Now I want another one as my inks have outgrown the shelving. Ah well, not to worry.
Sorry Silver has been in the wars, thats fur babies for you, and the cat variety are nosier than any other I think.
Have a great week and get down on that prom for some leisurely walks.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Annie said...

Love your new shelving units....I'm sure you will enjoy using those. Hope Silver's nose is feeling better....if only our fur babies learnt their lessons.
Annie x # 6

Crafting With Jack said...

The new storage looks great and obviously very useful. I am glad both the weather and your health are improving. I used to love walks along the beach. Poor Silver’s nose, something must have smelled very tempting under the bramble patch. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Lisa-Jane said...

Nice to see I'm not the only one who gets as much out of organising supplies as using them! Those shelves look fabulous & very useful. Poor Silver's nose! But I totally understand the desire to get at something even if you know it's going to bad for you - lol! Have a splendid week, Lisa-Jane #11

Neet said...

Hi Elizabeth - just to let you know you read it wrong on my blog. It was only the one card that went wrong - it was the one where the Wink of Stella went yellow when it was a mono card. It's fine to use it for someone but not to the way it should have been.

Hugs, Neet xx

Twiglet said...

Oh don't we all love a bit of new crafting storage. They look really neat. Love the wild flowers especially the daisy pic. x x Jo

Spyder said...

I usually make my 'new' shelving out of boxes, but as you say, it's nice to have a lovely real prober shelf, even if you still have to put it all together! Have a great crafty week! Happy WOYWW!?((Lyn))#15

BJ said...

Adorable little shelf units, love them and thanks for the name of the yellow plant(weed), hubby is mowing round one at the bottom of our garden, must take a photo... Hugs BJ#13

Kelly said...

Hi Elizabeth.
Cats... gotta love 'em. I'll share a Tabby story next week.
Love the flowers. Shelving looks as if you've got things in order. Now... about the scrapping.... ;-)
Creative Blessings! Kelly #16