Wednesday 31 July 2024

Catching Up & What's On My Workdesk this Wednesday - Week 791/11

Hello Everyone, 

I've been missing in action again. Life, once more, has thrown me a few curveballs to deal with. I won't bore you with the details. Suffice to say, I'm back and raring to go again. 

When I've been able I've been going out for a short walk around my neighbourhood. 
And, as always, taking photos.
It's really difficult to know where the boundary between Ardrossan, where I live, and the neighbouring town of Saltcoats. The two merge into each other, making this road sign very useful for a newcomer like myself. 
Graveyards can often be great places to see birds and wildflowers so when I discovered there was one in Ardrossan, I just had to take a look. 
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Turns out this one is too well maintained for there to be too many wildflowers growing but it's still very pleasant to walk around.

The row of gravestones are in memory of some of the men who lost their lives in the wartime sinking  of the aircraft carrier HMS Dasher just of the town's coast. 

So that's it from me today. Just a wee catch up. There's been no scrapbooking going on. I did try but a certain furry friend of mine had other ideas. 
See what I mean! 

Pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed where you will find links to a bunch of WOYWWers who really have been busy crafting. And do join in if you want. We're a friendly crowd. 

Take care, Everyone

Wednesday 17 July 2024

WOYWW - Week 789/9

Hello Everyone,

It's Wednesday, our day for sharing to What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday now hosted over at Sarah's Craft Shed. Here's what mine is looking like today.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a very short post this week because there's been no scrapbooking going on. I had plans as can be seen from that pile, the contents of one of those homemade kits I put together before the great house move in 2022, but a delivery of tiny shelving proved too diverting. 
Of course it came in the form of flatpacks. Everything does now. Sigh! Saves on shipping, I know, but just for once I'd love to be able to simply unwrap and go. 
The plan was to have both units on the craft desk but the two together took up too much scrappy space. One is now on the computer desk - sorry I forgot to take a shot of it. The intention was to get as many of my ink pads as possible out of the inconvenient drawer they were stashed in. Success! 

And that's it, I'm afraid. Not a lot of crafting. However, a break in the weather let me fit in a lovely walk down along the seafront.

And a bit of gardening. Well, pottering and enjoying the wildflowers growing happily in the back garden.
The pottering above and a few of the wildflowers below.
Scarlet Pimpernel

Common Daisy

So nothing exciting doing this week. Just continued improvement in the weather and my health. And talking of health, Silver's been in the wars. 
She's taken to searching in the bramble patch growing at the top of the back garden. I'm sure it's home to many a tiny creature but it's also very thorny. It might be hard to spot in the photo but she's got scratches around her nose. All healing nicely but I don't think a few scratches will prevent her going a-hunting in the bramble patch again.

As usual, I will do my best to visit and comment on everyone that leaves their link on Sarah's post today

Have a brilliant week everyone. Here's hoping for good weather so the children can enjoy their summer holiday. 

Take care, everyone,

Wednesday 10 July 2024

WOYWW - Week No.788/8

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I've been able to join in with What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - hosted by Sarah on her blog, Sarah's Craft Shed. I won't go into the gory details, and risk boring you all. I'll just say I've been too ill to do much at all. Not least, scrapbooking. I think I've made about three pages since my last post, which was way back in May! 

That's why all that you see on my desk is the album I'm keeping for this year, with guidance from Shimelle's class, This Year's Story. Needless to say, I'm way behind! Not to worry. I'll catch up eventually. Anyone who follows me on Instagram or Facebook will have seen my recent progress but for those of you who haven't here's the latest pages made for the album.

This last page was made with really old stash and I even managed to add some inky stencilling to the background.
The stencil is from Scrap-A-Sketch's collection. I've been a bit naughty recently, spending more than I should on new stash. My way of trying to cheer myself up when I've not been up to anything more than wishing, dreaming and mentally planning future scrap projects. And when I've not been doing that, I've been doing this:
This book, The Consolation of Nature: Spring in the Time of Coronavirus written by three noted nature writers, has indeed been a consolation. And with a nice cuppa in this cute cup, a gift from my daughter, what could be better. Not much, that's for sure!

Before I go, I just want to thank everyone who has left me their kind comments and emails. They have been much appreciated even if I haven't been able to say so at the time. Indeed, one of the reasons I haven't shown up on WOYWW for the last goodness knows how many weeks is because it wasn't possible for me to visit you all and admire all the crafty stuff you've been up to. I changed supplier recently and found I was without broadband, WIFI and TV for longer than expected. Never again!

To end, late as I am to the party, I still intend to visit everyone who is participating in WOYWW today and leave a comment where possible. Experience has shown that's not always possible for reasons beyond my ken. Suffice to say, I plan to do my best. 

Take care everyone,