Monday, 12 September 2016

In A Vase On Monday - September Splendour

We've had high winds here for the last couple of days and it has been wreaking havoc in the garden, especially among the tallest plants. It got so bad today that I thought it best to conduct a rescue operation and just pick anything that seemed to be in danger. The result is this lovely autumnal bunch of flowers, berries and foliage from the garden.
It includes the flowers of honeysuckle (lonicera periclymenum Serotina), verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop', echinacea 'Tomato Soup', roses - 'Faithful' (deep red) and an unknown variety (peach coloured).

The rowan trees and hypericum 'Magical Red Flame' provided the berries. Our two rowan trees have a heavy crop of berries this year. According to folklore if the rowan bears a heavy load of fruit then it is going to be a mild winter with little snow. 

The eucalyptus gunnii, top heavy with lovely new growth, was leaning away from the prevailing wind and looking very likely to topple over altogether so I pruned the top, then used the trimmings in the 'arrangement'. Other foliage is from ageratina 'Chocolate' and cuttings from the ivy that trails over the gravel at the front of the house.

And the apples? They are our entire harvest, six in total, this year!

To see what others have found to put in their vases today check out Cathy's blog Rambling in the Garden and if you feel you would like to join in I'm sure you would be very welcome.


cuilliesocks said...

Beautiful composition Elizabeth, your blooms are gorgeous, wonderful array of colour.
We go four apples from our tree and two plums a very poor yield, Kate x

Anonymous said...

The colours are brilliant for this start of autumn and that echinacea is amazing - not something have ever successfully grown. Your crop of apples is the perfect addition to ths composition - thanks for sharing and i'ts good to have you back