Monday 4 July 2022

Scrapbook Layouts 2022 - No's.28-30

Hello again,

As usual, I hope this finds you well and, if not enjoying, at least tolerating another Monday after a wonderful weekend. 

I can make no claims to a wonderful weekend, having spent most of it in bed unwell. Oh, the joys of getting older!  

Consequently, no time's been spent in my poor neglected craftroom. All I have to offer is three more pages completed earlier this year. 

No's.28 & 29 - February Week 6

This is a double page spread covering the sixth week of the year. All the way back to February. Seems like a lifetime ago. I remember it was a busy week which included the news that another great-grandchild was on its way and here we are in July and mum Heather is now in the last month of pregnancy. How the weeks fly!

No.30 - Fun With The Girls

This was a lovely page to work on with photos from the first WOYWW Crop I attended in 2017, Llandudno. I can still remember my friend Annie's surprised look on seeing me in the flesh for the first time. I was very much smaller than she had visualised!!! Also in the photos are Jan (LLJ) and Julia (the lady responsible for all this WOYWW fun). The layout is loosely based on M K Gunn's pages dated 5 February 2022. 

Thanks for looking.

As always, take care and bye for now,
