Wednesday 25 September 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 799/19

Hello Everyone,

Another Wednesday, another What's On Your Workdesk, and it's so nearly a real big one too. One week to go to No.800! Want to know more about this weekly show and tell for crafters worldwide? Check out this post over on Julia's Stamping Ground for an explanation of what it's all about. Joining in, just pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed where you can now link your desky post. It's all great fun.

Because I've been distracted by the chaos in my craftroom and unable to give myself permission to just sit down and scrapbook, it's clear I had to find some inspiration. 
Here is, I hope, the very project to get me going again. It's a jar of challenges, the idea for which is based on an old class of Shimelle's, The 20 Project.  
So far, so good. This is the result of the first challenge pulled out of the jar which was to complete a page for a gap in a near completed album. This one for my own personal album. The photo was taken at my 50th birthday party in 1997. Alan loved a party so he made all the arrangements. He wanted me to celebrate with all my siblings, my children, their children together with our mum. I'm so glad he did because it was the last time we were all able to get together at the same time. 

Materials are just the usual mix of goodies from my stash, some old, some new. I'm happy to report that some progress has been made in organising the craftroom. It's not perfect yet, but some improvement can be seen.
Yesterday was a beautiful day - one of the very few we've had this year. So when my grandson sent me a text to say it was so nice we could see the Isle of Arran clearly from the shore, I just had to pop down to check it out. Not only could Arran be seen but that wee dot in the far distance is the island of Ailsa Craig

And finally, of course, it has to be my wee furry friend:
She's sending her best meows to you all. 

Best wishes from me to you all too. Have a wonderful week.

Take care Everyone,


Mary Anne said...

Interesting. I thought I recalled your blog being a Google-sign in to comment one and yet here it is with Open ID! YAY. I love seeing scrapbooking. Shimelle always had a knack for motivating folk. Your kitty is super sweet too, from one Cat Mom to another...
A quick hop before knitting at mine!
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (4)

Lisca said...

You've inspired me! I definitely want to get back to scrapbooking!
Nice page.
Happy WOYWW,
Lisca #4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Sometimes a prompt is all you need to get going and that resulting page is beautiful, it looks great and makes some wonderful memories too. Look at your gorgeous view from the beach, what a glorious day. We haven’t had many of those either this year!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Morti said...

Hello Elizabeth!

That's a lovely page you created. It's been years since I last did any scrapbooking - I was using the Project Life App and suddenly - bam - ten years went by. I was supposed to be doing the first year of my great nephew's life and he's now 8 - and has a little brother. Oops.... maybe I need to do less stitching and more other crafting.

Neet said...

Nice paper stack on your desk Elizabeth. I would have a flick and stop through su ch a pad and then using that paper would create something. Would that also work for motivation?
Not that you needed another idea, the jar full of prompts suffices and you have already done a lovely page from the nineties. Bet it brought a tear or two whilst doing it.
Well, that is a nice photo to cheer you, and what a lovely grandson to think of you by sending you a text to get you out of the house on a lovely day.
Siler is looking her beautiful self I see, she really is a good friend for you.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, I understand chaos I have some of that myself and it doesn't do a lot for creativity. The challenge jar is a good idea, I have thought about it for journalling but just not used it yet. I love your wee friend she's so sweet. Have a good woyww. Hugs Angela x13x