Wednesday, 3 February 2021

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 609

 Hello Everyone

And happy What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday to you all. Weatherwise, it's another grim day here - hope it's better where you are - but I'm counting my blessings. Bad weather equals more time in the craftroom and, of course, it's Wednesday, arguably the best day of the week! Why? Because in return for sharing what's on my workdesk I have, with our Head Desker Julia's help, the vicarious pleasure of visiting so many more. 

Sheesh! And this is after I tidied up yesterday. I try. I really do. It just seems that each new project requires more stuff. So much stuff. That's a card in process, for the Christmas Card Club challenge, and it's late. In the interest of saving the planet I'm concentrating on using bits I've played with in the past. Naturally, these experiments have been saved in plastic boxes and then forgotten - totally. Note the upcycled ice cream box ... single use plastic in this house, no way. There's a box of stamps - Christmas greetings - there too. And then there's the piles - I suffer a lot with piles - to the right. They don't look organised, but they are. Indeed, yes, I've sorted out, from my not inconsiderable stash, the supplies for this week's scrapbooking challenge(s). All I have to do is start scrapping. I will. Soon. Later. Perhaps.

Lockdown continues here in Scotland - it's been extended now to the end of February. I suspect it's much the same for you, wherever you are. So in the interests of making it more tolerable I'm passing on a tip I caught on TV this morning. It's intended to exercise the brain. Wait for it! It is to use your 'wrong' hand to clean your teeth, e.g. if you are right handed, use your left hand and vice versa. I did. Not sure about my brain feeling healthier but my teeth must be cleaner after being brushed twice!

I'm sure many of you know that Shaz, Silverwolf, isn't very well at the moment. Her lovely hubby, Doug, has been keeping us informed on Facebook but for those of you who haven't seen these posts there's an update on her blog - here. If you are reading this Shaz, Alan and I are thinking of you and hoping that the planned treatment does you good. 

And finally, because it's particularly relevant to this crazy crafter:

And finally, finally:

Have a good week, everyone, stay safe and keep well.


Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! I'm not sure it does keep the crazy away... sometimes I think we are more crazy than others! I hope you have fun with the scrappy challenges - I'm really loving being able to join in with so many of them now. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love your And Finally funnies, so very true of both of them! It was fab to see you online the other day, you looked like a real bobby soxer with your ponytail! I’ve resorted to cutting my own hair with G being brave enough to do the back! I hope your piles prove less distressing this week, lol but you gotta break eggs to make the cake. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it, lol!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

glitterandglue said...

Hi Elizabeth. Firstly - how is that lovely man of yours? Has he recovered fully from having his vaccination?
I love the busyness of your desk - so sorry to hear you suffer so much with piles - you are not alone! I have moved stuff around today since taking my photos, and now things look even WORSE!!!
Hmm... cleaning my teeth with my left hand? That might be interesting! I have a feeling that our lockdown will be tightened again come Friday - the Welsh Assembly were hoping to begin opening schools after half term - but I'm not sure we are going to see that now. Oh well, I'm not yet bored - still have plenty I can get on with!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

My name is Cindy said...

Love your memes - going to steal those straight away!! I know what you mean about the amount of stuff - how do people make magic just picking up three things? I have to look at 30 things before I find one that I want to use. Hence the mess. I do hope your piles improve btw!! Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #19

Annie said...

I keep crafting but I’m not sure about it keeping crazy away lol. Sorry to hear about your piles. As they say...I’m sure you can get cream for those lol. Keep using up those scraps 😀
Annie x #9

BJ said...

I guess as long as you have enough room to make a card the piles don't matter.

Diana Taylor said...

I love your funnies- they certainly raised a smile on a day when it's really needed, and I laughed at your piles too - hope you get them under control soon!
Have a good week and stay safe and well,
Diana xx #23

Helen said...

I have heaps of piles too..... your desk looks full but tidy, to me! I hope Alan has recovered from his jab. the funnies you finished with are perfect today. Take care and stay safe. Helen #3

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Ah piles! I don't know any crafter that doesn't have them at some time, i certainly have lots of them. Maybe we should be doing "What's On your Pile Wednesday" Hee! Hee! Love the funnies too. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x16x

Chana Malkah said...

I love your tubs! I have two plastic tubs and keep all the stamps, dies, etc., for my current project(s) in them. It helps me avoid "craft creep." If I just place things on my work table, I generally end up with about 2 inches of space in which to work!

Love your memes!

Chana Malkah, #32

Crafting With Jack said...

Love that quote about keeping the crazy away! When you say you suffer with piles, if we are talking about the crafting ones, then I admit, I suffer too :). Have a great week Angela #17

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

We crafter's all suffer with piles hee hee.. no matter how tidy we are, although yours look very organised Elizabeth. Have fun with your layout.
I could do with a third hand to brush my teeth at the moment with how busy lifes been. Stay safe & keep creative Happy WoywW Tracey #35

Sarah Brennan said...

I am definitely all for keeping the crazy away Elizabeth. I use a 4 litre empty icecream tub as a giant water trough to clean my stencils and stamps in the shed. Good luck with the using up of items and tidying. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

Morti said...

I have a scrap box I need to have a rummage through and use up! Thanks for the poke....

Keep well

Morti x #24

Karen said...

I'm all about keeping the crazies away with my stash of crafties. Yes, use the bits and alter/upcycle etc. Me too! Stay well ~ Love, Karen#27

Twiglet said...

I'm a bit late this week - again! I have been sewing scrub hats for our NHS sewing group. I chuckled at your piles -mmm nasty! Take care and stay safe - from your crazy crafter buddy - Jo xx

Shoshi said...

Shoshi's crazy already, Elizabeth, so not sure whether crafting makes it better or worse lol! I suppose it keeps me out of mischief though (except in the money spending department!). Like you, I try to avoid single use plastic and despite Tesco boasting about it, they continue to pack a lot of stuff unnecessarily in it. I love to recycle stuff and always wash my freezer bags and use them again and again - I have some going back many years to when we used to shop in Safeway which is no more!! Sorry to hear about the piles lol!! I think I am the same way. I have so much sorting and tidying to do in my studio and I'm just not getting on with it at the moment. One day...

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #15

PS I see you are in Ayr. My grandfather used to live in a village called Straiton (near Maybole) and we had lovely holidays up there. Do you know it? It's a beautiful part of Scotland.

Lillianb said...

I am sure that crafting is helping me a lot, Not sure what I would do without it, Tidy little desk you have there, I would not know the question but crafting asure is the answer lol

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #12

Lindart said...

Brushing my teeth with my left hand really wouldn't be much different than usual since I have an electric toothbrush! But I can foresee a few challenges even then. Quite the nice busy desk, I think we all have to deal with those piles in our craft room, mine just travel around the room! We are still in lockdown here in Ontario, but our region is doing so well (only 14 cases) we may begin to open up a bit next week. It won't matter to me though, as I will stay put! Stay safe and stay warm! Lindart #33

Susan Renshaw said...

I'm not sure that crafting keeps the crazy away - especially if I have to start brushing my teeth with the other hand...
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
I am hoping to visit everyone this week – unfortunately last week I just couldn’t make it…
Susan #8
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Spyder said...

Sorry I'm late! But I'm here calling on this weeks woyww which is next week as I got way-layed and before I knew it, it was this week! I mean last week! I seem to have a lot of fatball plastic boxes (for the birds) as well as broken biscuit boxes which, once covered in backing paper look okay-ish to be used to store crafty stuff in. Little pots are handy for keeping bits in too! I heard that, if you get the urge to raid the cupboard for treats, go clean your teeth instead... it worked for a bit...but now I keeping hankering for minty chocolate!
Stay safe, Keep on crafting Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)