Wednesday 22 May 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 781

Hello Everyone,

It's all change for WOYWW today. Julia has handed the baton over to Sarah at Sarah's Craft Shed after 15 years of keeping her wonderful blog hop going. I remember being delighted to discover WOYWW almost 14 years ago. It was a joy to 'meet' so many crafters, like myself, who were willing to show the spaces where they craft, be it on desks or floors, and all because Julia had the idea we could all get together virtually through her blog, the Stamping Ground. So it may be the end of an era with Julia retiring, not to mention her able assistant, Lunch Lady Jan, but I'm sure Sarah is a worthy successor. 

And this is what's on my desk today. I wasn't able to travel down this year to the 15th Anniversary Crop but Jo (aka Twiglet) and Annie (aka Wipso) sent me their ATCs so I don't feel completely left out. I've seen some of the photos taken at the crop and I can see it was great fun for everyone there. Maybe next year I'll make it. 

Over recent weeks, if nothing else, I've managed to revive my enthusiasm for scrapbooking. It's good. It's an improvement. Participating in the Scrap-a-Sketch Rainbow Challenge helped enormously. That's seven pages completed for seven colours! With renewed interest, I've not stopped. Here's two more made from the remnants of kits put together from stash before we moved house in 2022.

Crafting Keeps Me Sane
This page is about crafting being therapeutic for me. The crochet blanket is progressing slowly but it helped get me through the worst of winter weather.  I love the quilted knitting bag I made a few years ago at the quilting classes I attended in Prestwick. Sadly, the pandemic led to the closure of the classes. 
I don't often remember to take a photo of leftovers when a kit is done but there was so little left of this one that I just had to take a pic for the record. 

Zillenials Doing It Their Way
Another page that uses up the tail end of another homemade kit. The two photos show my grandchildren, Shari & Josh (hands and phone only) ordering our food online even though we were in the restaurant at the time. It's showing my age I know, but I was gobsmacked! When did that become a thing? Clearly, I need to get out more! Not my usual style of scrapping. It's inspired by one I watched Shimelle create in an old video of hers on YouTube. It was done from memory so probably not anything like the original at all, but the base is much the same and the mixing of many colours and use of many layers reflects Shimelle's very individual style. Much to my surprise, I like it!

Now, the cat bit:
Not Silver, as you might have thought, but her brother, Taz. If it wasn't for the black smudge on his nose, he'd be her double. Love the pose!

And finally, I'm even later than ever today but I have the best of reasons so no apologies. Shari brought my very grown up 12 year old great-granddaughter, Rhian, along to see me and we had a lovely time chatting over lattes and chocolate brownies. 

With that I'll finish here.

Take care, everyone,


Helen said...

good to see you Elizabeth and glad you were sent some atcs. Hopefully next year you'll be able to make a crop. Yes, ordering from your phone is a thing - I think it started after covid when we were allowed out again but loads of places still do it. Fab scrapping! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Thank you for the name check! I’m glad to support Sarah taking up the baton, she’ll do a grand job of trying to keep this unruly gang of deskers in hand, lol! I’ve really enjoyed seeing your recent LOs, you’ve got some fab ideas. Silver’s brother is incredibly like her! I wouldn’t have realised it wasn’t her. Glad you had some fun with your family as well, eating cake has got to be done!
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

Annie said...

It’s good to see you joining in the fun and it’s even better seeing all the lovely LOs you’ve been making lately. The two cats are like peas in a pod…Silver being the prettiest of course.
Annie x @6

Sarah Brennan said...

I can't believe you have a 12 year old great granddaughter Elizabeth! I have really been enjoying your scrapbook layouts on Facebook. Meow to Silver (and Taz). Thanks for joining in at the new home for WOYWW. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, I'm sure you're right Sarah will manage this well I'm sure. You're so right crafting is a great therapy for sure though not good for the purse Hee! Hee! I'm a bit late getting round today as I got the message this morning that my mum died early this morning but it's a relief for her as she's not been doing too well for some time, she was 95. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Crafting With Jack said...

How lovely to see your granddaughter, my conversations with my 13 yr old granddaughter is totally question and answer and then off to her game! Silver’s brother is so handsome! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Crafting With Jack said...

How lovely to see your granddaughter, my conversations with my 13 yr old granddaughter is totally question and answer and then off to her game! Silver’s brother is so handsome! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Susan Renshaw said...

Fabulous layouts and I particularly like the photo of the leftovers!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

BJ said...

Glad to see you enthused about scrapping, I've not done any in a while now. I think the challenge of a journal page a day for my 60th year is taking over somewhat, I'll get to it sometime I'm sure. Carpal tunnel OK on keyboard and most of crafting although continuous cutting and sewing are an issue, I seem to manage. Eating dinner is more of an issue! As for the pattern it's way too small for me but you can use the tissue on pages and the lines give good features. Hugs BJ#3

Neet said...

Talking chocolate brownies Caro made the most delicious chocolate traybake ever and I have begged the recipe from her. It is now cooling in the tin and waiting for the topping to be made. If it tastes as good as Caro's I will be over the moon (and overweight if I keep on making it). So if you come next year (hope you do) you must hope she brings some again.
Good to see you back scrapping, I have enjoyed seeing your work on Facebook. Also good to see Silver's brother who looks so mukch like her. I hope they remember one another from the early days.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 2 xx