Friday 22 November 2019

Friday Smiles

Afternoon Everyone,

Friday again and I'm sharing with Annie, A Stitch in Time, some of the what has made me smile this week. I haven't got a lot of photos - I keep forgetting to get my camera out when I'm out and about, especially when I'm with family ... they are too distracting!

Whenever we have a prescription to be filled at Morrisons chemist we always have to wait twenty minutes or so. To fill the time the EM treats us to something naughty with coffee. This week the something naughty was 'Unicorn Cake' - loved the rainbow colours. Himself opted for the doughnut with sprinkles - both were tasty.

As you probably know from last week's Friday Smiles post we've been doing out best to support our garden critters through the winter. Not surprisingly perhaps, our main concern is the hedgehog that was spotted snuffling around in the summer. We've provided housing in various places around the garden, though we're not sure he/she has taken up residence yet.
Food and water too. I even bought a new dish for winter. The EM has taken to going out at night, searching. He's been waving a torch around in the hope of catching our hedgie feeding - it's enough to frighten off any sane creature! So far, nothing!

Now he's in the man shed making one of these sheltered feeding stations as recommended on the Hedgehog Bottom site.  It's become a bit of an obsession!!

So that's what's making me smile this week. Apologies to those of you I didn't manage to visit last week - life, as it is prone to do, just got in the way!

I hope you've had a week full of reasons to smile, and if you have, do join in and share it with Annie at A Stitch In Time - the more the merrier.


  1. Really love the rainbow cake...enough to brighten anyones dull gloomy day. Well done EM for working so hard for your prickly visitors...alas we have to take them out of our garden when we find one because Milly doesn't make them welcome.
    Hope you have a good weekend with lots to keep you smiling.
    Annie x

  2. Hi Elizabeth, hedgehogs usually hibernate from about Novembe/December depending on the weather and your little chap might have already found it's self a place so I shouldn't worry too much. I do know though that they will move nest sites sometimes in the winter so there is still a chance you might see it. The cake and coffee looks very tasty, might have to look for that when we pop into Morrisons. Have a lovely weeknd. Hugs, Angela xXx

  3. Love the hedgehog hide-we are visited bt squirrels who dig up all my bulbs! Glad you enjoyed the cake- a little treat for a winter’s day. X

  4. I think we have a roaming hedgehog occasionally - I like the idea of a sheltered feeding station. I could just tuck into that rainbow cake - it looks fab. xx Jo


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