Friday 12 February 2016

Friday Smiles

Evening Everyone,

It's Friday. The day we share some, or all, of what made us smile this week with Annie at A Stitch In Time.

I wasn't around earlier today. Instead, we took advantage of the better weather an drove down to Castle Douglas to do a bit of shopping. It's a smashing little market town with loads of lovely shops, including a great health food store that sells herbs and spices, loose from the jar. Here's a few photos taken during the day.
Who could resist this display! Every time we visit the town we make a point of popping in and adding a few more goodies for our spice rack.
A pretty Easter display in one of those shops that always displays the kind of thing I find really hard to resist!
Book shops, especially secondhand book shops, are becoming as rare as hen's teeth these days. This one draws us like a magnet every time we visit the town. The shopkeepers in Castle Douglas seem to have a liking for choosing quirky names for their shops. Some even have interestingly different signage too.
The key on this one caught my eye.
And here's one for the Master Clockmaker.
Love the grandfather clock.
There are approximately fifty local businesses involved in either producing or selling food and drink in Castle Douglas, and for that reason it has been designated a Food Town. We like to have lunch in our favourite tearoom, The Scottish Pantry, and I always order their macaroni cheese ... it is simply delicious.
And because it's that time of the year here's a snap my DH flanked by a display of red balloons, flying to mark St Valentine's Day, found outside the Post Office!

So that was my day. Hope your day was as much fun too.


  1. It sure looks like you had a fab day out looking at just the sort of things I like to look at....esp that macaroni cheese 😀 One of my favourites.
    Annie x

  2. Happy Friday Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your wonderfully interesting pics of Castle Douglas - I love browsing those types of shops too oooooh and macaroni cheese wow I haven't eaten in quite a while, maybe it's a special dish for when Sophie visits. Have a fab week cheers Robyn

  3. That sounds like a wonderful day out, and it sounds like my sort of town too. I imagine it was great fun browsing all those interesting shops. Kate x

  4. Very interesting photos Elizabeth and it looks as if you had a great day out. Oh your lunch almost made me salivate. I absolutely love macaroni Cheese. I would have chosen that too. Have a lovely weekend. Barbxx

  5. It looks like you had a lovely outing. This is such a pretty little town. And, the macaroni sounds delicious! Enjoy your weekend, Pat

  6. Looks like a good day out Elizabeth, nice to be able to make the most of a brighter day.

    B x

  7. Looks like you enjoyed your day out and l just love the shops with all of the goodies for sale and yes you can't resists l also like adding to mine take care x

  8. Hello Elizabeth thanks for the tour around your lovely shops, you certainly had a grand day out, especially with that delicious mac and cheese, Kate x

  9. What a lovely day you had and your pics are a great advert for Castle Douglas
    Lynn xx


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