Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas Sweet Treat Bags

Evening All

Label front
It's the night before the night before Christmas and I'm almost done though fate has thrown a spanner in the works today. There we were in the car and setting off to visit out daughter and family with a boot/trunk filled with brightly wrapped presents - what could be nicer. Well, the weather perhaps, but it's warm and dry in the car. Then reversing out of the driveway I noticed a bit of a whine coming from the motor and DH muttered that something didn't seem right. Well, we got a few feet, rounded the corner and suddenly smoke was belching from under the bonnet. I've never gotten out of the car as quick as I did today. Stopping prevented further damage and we were able to rescue the presents but the car is now, courtesy of the AA, down at the garage and we are without wheels. Ah well, can't be helped :)
Label back
These bags are some tooth rotting, appetite ruining, treats I made up for all the little ones, not to mention a few of the big ones, in the family ... well, I'm a gran/great-gran after all and that surely gives me licence to spoil my grandchildren/great-grandchildren at Christmas if at no other time of the year :)

The labels were created using Serif using a Chair Decoration template and Craft Artist Christmas Crafts digital kit which is free. I had to tweak the size down a bit before printing it on to white card and cutting them out ... time consuming but well worth the effort.

All we have to do now is get our car back and deliver the presents ...

Hope you have all had a great day even if you've been doing last minute stuff too.

Take care and happy crafting,


  1. Good Morning Elizabeth. Sorry to hear about your visit. The best laid plans ...... However I love you sweet treat bags. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Crafty New Year. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. OMG what awful timing :o( Love your little sweetie bags :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Yes, you are allowed to give out tooth rotting appetite ruining's the law!! So sorry about the car...never convenient is it, but thank goodness you hadn't got matter. safe and sound..Happy Christmas.

  4. Oh Deer!! Such a shame about the car, but I had to read out the bit about you getting out of the car as I get teased of when smoke came from the fuse box once!
    Great little treats and you have the right to spoil them, as I being an Aunt!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  5. Dropping by this Christmas morning to say, may the blessings of this Christmas season be yours throughout the coming new year!!! Happy creating! The treat bags look so tempting!


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