Wednesday 25 December 2013

Christmas Day WOYWW - Week 238

No desk today ... instead I've put together a montage of just a few of the photos I've taken over the last 25 days. I hope you will agree they are full of Christmas cheer :)

That's our Christmas trees in the centre ... yes, we have two this year! Most of the photos were taken when we were out and about at the shops and garden centres ... fabulous displays, everyone of them guaranteed to get you in a festive mood.

Our new home has a fireplace. Having lived in a new build for the last few years we missed having a fire but this old house happily has one so I'll leave you to enjoy your Christmas day with a last shot taken of the garland on the mantelpiece.
Take care, keep warm and stay safe over the holidays.



  1. A very festive montage. Merry Christmas! and have a fab 2014! from Nan, T and Baby. (#3 in WOYWW)

  2. Thanks Elizabeth. Hope your special day is lovely and all you want it to be
    Judy #11!!

  3. Happy Christmas, Elizabeth. Enjoy spending this day, your first Christmas in your new home. Have a great time with family and friends.
    Great photos - enjoy the open fire!!! We built one a few years back and thoroughly enjoyed every time we lit the fire. Can't have one here 'cos hubby has serious breathing issues :-(
    Have a lovely time.
    Margaret #10

  4. Happy Christmas from a VERY HOT Cape Town, South Africa. Lovely photos you have taken. #15

  5. Happy Christmas Elizabeth and family!!
    May the first Christmas in your new home be wonderful :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 15 xx

  6. Happy Christmas Elizabeth, and a big purr to The Boss. Love your Christmas montage. We have a garden centre not far from us called Webbs( yes, the seed people), and they have the most amazing Christmas displays every year.By an amazing bit of luck, they also have a Hobbycrafts on site, :). Warmest Christmas hugs, Shaz #14 xxx

  7. Oh Elizabeth, I love the montage. And of course, you included a ROCKING HORSE!! What more could a gal ask for on Christmas?

    Hope you are enjoying your "new" old home. Merry Christmas and happy WOYWW from #1.

  8. Love the montage, perhaps you can show me how to do one sometime next year. Happy Christmas BJ#4

  9. What a fab collage of pics Elizabeth, how thoughtful of you to take them...I admired lots of displays but it didn't occur to me to photo them, duh!
    Love the look of your garland, hope you've had a happy and peaceful day, happy Christmas!

  10. Love the montage of festive pictures. I like the one with Santa putting the reindeer in the bag. Have a happy and relaxing holiday! Judy #22

  11. Love your festive montage! what a great idea. hope you had a lovely day!

    Happy WOYWW Boxing Day!
    Mary Anne (waiting for the family clear out so I can clear up at #7)

  12. Beautiful photos,
    Merry Christmas.
    Karin #31

  13. A very festive montage Elizabeth, thank you!
    Happy Christmas WOYWW.

    Cazzy x #19

  14. merry christmas, hope you had a lovely time


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