Friday 7 June 2013

Polka Dotty Cushion Covers ... more sewing

Afternoon Everyone,

The sewing practice continues.

Two very basic envelope cushion covers that took just a couple of hours to make. I used the easy to follow instructions from Debbie Shore's Making Cushion Covers book (available from Amazon).
The polka dot fabric was purchased from Dunelm Mill - a metre was enough for two 20" square cushion covers.

Another tick on the list of practice projects :)

Remember the crazy quilt patch that featured in Wednesday's WOYWW post, here is it again but now it has a border of contrasting fabric added.
The colours look a bit washed out - that's due to the bright sunshine coming through the windows ... they really are much richer in real life. The next thing I have to do is purchase some plain fabric for the backing and a zip too. Yes, without the aid of a parachute folks, I'm going in and will attempt to put a zip in this one!

Just in case you wondered, I was out all day yesterday visiting friends, strolling round their beautiful garden - taking photos of the flowers - and picnicking in the sun. We didn't get home until very late much to Bonnie's disgust ... we got quite a scolding from her too.

So today, it's catch up time - I have some emails to respond to, blogs to visit and crafting projects to get on with. I could be here for some time :)

Hope you are all having a simply splendid day.

Take care and happy crafting,


  1. All going well - love the crazy quilt. I am sure you will soon sort that zip out - does your machine have a zip foot? x Jo

  2. The cushions look very comfy. The quilt looks amazing. Best of luck with the zip! (So daring without a parachute!)
    Hope you're back in Bonnie's good books ;-)
    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Great work Elizabeth. I haven't sewn in years - don't think I would know where to start anymore. I do love your cushion covers.

  4. Lovely cushion covers Elizabeth. I cannot sew for toffees, so am always impressed by those who can do it.

  5. Fab cushions and I love the crazy quilt! I am so impressed - I can't sew at all! xx

  6. Despite going on a soft furnishing course a few years ago and learning to insert zips (why am I still scared of zips?!!) and piping I always make my cushions this way, I like the simplicity of it and who sees the back anyway?! Love the crazy patchwork design. XX

  7. Fabulous work Elizabeth and the colour of those cushions are gorgeous great job your doing xx

  8. Great work, cushion covers are my next project so make look at this book


  9. Great stuff Elizabeth...once the zip is in, that's it, you're an accomplished sewer!!

  10. Back again - fitting in a session of 'thank you's before hitting the garden! Thank you for the ATC it's the 4 background and the use of vellum - an old friend tha tis such a lovely material!


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