Wednesday 2 October 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 800/20

Happy Week 800 to you all! What a number! Who would have thought that, when Julia posted her first shot of her workdesk on The Stamping Ground way back on 3rd June 2009, desk sharing would become such an enduring pleasure for deskhoppers everywhere. Not Julia, I'm thinking. But endured it has and today, now that Julia has retired, it's ably hosted by Sarah, from her Craft Shed.

I started my blog in September 2010 and it was only a few weeks later I discovered WOYWW. I don't know where I got the temerity to join in the fun, but join in I did on Week 71, 12th October 2010. Of course it was Julia's warm and no frills approach to blogging, and crafting, that drew me in. Since then I've shared my desk 454 times, 455 when this one is counted in. 

One of the inevitable outcomes of the weekly deskhops were the WOYWW crops. I missed the first few, but when I eventually mentioned it to my husband, Alan, he was all for it. So off we went. From Scotland to Llandudno, Wales, in 2017 and Shrewsbury, England, in 2018. Here's a couple of pics from 2017.

Llandudno, hosted by Margaret, Glitter and Glue.
Annie, LLJ and Julia
Julia and myself.
The group photo 2017.

Shrewsbury, hosted by the two sisters, Annie, Wipso-A Stitch In Time, and Jo, Twiglet .
The birthday presentation to Julia.
The group photograph 2019.

Lovely times, lovely people, lovely memories.

Whether met virtually or in person, it's been a privilege to get to know so many fabulous and talented WOYWWers. 
Of course, it wouldn't be WOYWW if I didn't show a pic of my desk today. It's a different desk in a very different place in totally different circumstances but my intention is to continue deskhopping as often as possible. And hopefully WOYWW will continue under Sarah's watch for many more years to come.

And finally, it wouldn't be my WOYWW post without a photo of Silver.
Not so much a crafty cat, more a very naughty one. She did her best all morning to distract me from putting this post together. And now she's curled up on the sofa beside me, out for the count. Typical!

Best wishes to all my lovely WOYWW friends, old and new. Have a wonderful week. 

Take care everyone