Wednesday 31 July 2024

Catching Up & What's On My Workdesk this Wednesday - Week 791/11

Hello Everyone, 

I've been missing in action again. Life, once more, has thrown me a few curveballs to deal with. I won't bore you with the details. Suffice to say, I'm back and raring to go again. 

When I've been able I've been going out for a short walk around my neighbourhood. 
And, as always, taking photos.
It's really difficult to know where the boundary between Ardrossan, where I live, and the neighbouring town of Saltcoats. The two merge into each other, making this road sign very useful for a newcomer like myself. 
Graveyards can often be great places to see birds and wildflowers so when I discovered there was one in Ardrossan, I just had to take a look. 
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Turns out this one is too well maintained for there to be too many wildflowers growing but it's still very pleasant to walk around.

The row of gravestones are in memory of some of the men who lost their lives in the wartime sinking  of the aircraft carrier HMS Dasher just of the town's coast. 

So that's it from me today. Just a wee catch up. There's been no scrapbooking going on. I did try but a certain furry friend of mine had other ideas. 
See what I mean! 

Pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed where you will find links to a bunch of WOYWWers who really have been busy crafting. And do join in if you want. We're a friendly crowd. 

Take care, Everyone


Lunch Lady Jan said...

It’s lovely to see you back on the desks today and good to hear that you’re on the mend again. I don’t know your part of Scotland at all but it does look lovely. That naughty Silver, she knows exactly what she’s doing!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

I can finally comment. Have had to change browser. Good to see you Elizabeth - and Silver too. Some lovely photos from your walks. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lisa-Jane said...

Lovely to see you again Elizabeth and I hope you have a better of luck & life now. Lovely photos from your walks that will hopefully make their way to a scrapbook page very soon. Have a wonderful week, Lisa-Jane #10,

Crafting With Jack said...

They all like their share of the attention don’t they! I am sure my Dolly knows exactly what she is doing if am using the IPad and she wants attention. She just puts her paws on the screen making impossible to carry on.🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Lynnecrafts said...

Lovely photos of your walk. I sometimes go to Margate cemetery where my Dad’s buried, with my Mum’s ashes alongside and that’s a bit wilder than Ardrossan. There are lots of squirrels (grey), and a flock of parakeets. It sounds like you’ve come through a difficult time so I’m glad you’re back on the blog and out for walks. My Bella sends purrs to Silver.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Neet said...

Hi Elizabeth, I often press the wrong key and delete my comment on someone's blog instead of publishing it so I do a similar thing. Anyway I think i mentioned that where i live is near the boundary between two towns and I know of a marker on the back road but cannot think of the one on the main road. There must be one but it is nothing so grand as the one you show us today.
Hugs to you and tickles to Silver.
Neet 1 xx

Helen said...

what a very neat cemetery! although a shame there are no wildflowers to enjoy, Hope Silver moves to allow you to scrap soon! always enjoy seeing your scrap pages. Take care and stay well. Helen #2

BJ said...

Lovely photos and you may have not done any scrapping but you inspired me to do some does that count? Hugs BJ#5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the photos. I've not done much either, it's just too warm for me but should cool down tomorrow. Wishing you a good woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

LesleyG said...

Lovely pics, maybe you could encourage them to have a wildflower section. Silver looks very comfortable 😂xx

Twiglet said...

I've been up into the hills today and the heather and wild flowers are lovely. Loads of swallows about up there too which cheered me up as I haven't seen many here on the edge of town. Hope those curved balls bounce off. x x Jo 🌈