Wednesday 27 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 773

Hello Everyone,

Here I am with my first WOYWW post in forever! And I'm feeling just a bit rusty but I'll do my best.

It's actually Tuesday evening as I write. Being so out of practice, I need to start sooner rather than later. This is a shot of what was on my desk this afternoon - the first page I've worked on in months!

Truth to tell, while real life got in the way, I had no time, or enthusiasm, to play with pretty paper. And I wasn't too sure where to pick up from anyway. I needed to give myself a good reason to get going again. So, I enrolled on one of Shimelle's classes, This Year's Story. Turned out it was just the encouragement I needed.

Needless to say, I broke the very long spending freeze and treated myself to some new stash. That done, I dug out an empty album, a pile of page inserts and arranged everything in this trolley. All set up and ready to go. 

Here's my first effort. It's the title page of this year's album. The layout is based on one of Lisa Sikorski's sketches. I like a good sketch for inspiration. Because I live just a short walk from the seafront - which will no doubt feature a lot in the album throughout the year - I've chosen a seaside theme and I'm loving the paper collection, Sail Away from Heidi Swapp. 

Finally and before, I go to bed, I'd just like to thank everyone for the lovely cards and messages of condolence/ They are all much appreciated. 

Take care everyone,


Neet said...

Lovely to see you here again Elizabeth. I do hope that walks along the sea front are helping you. I often think a sea breeze is a helper.
It is so good to have you back crafting and I am sure it will help while away the time for you. I know in times I have been down in the past crafting has been my salvation.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Annie said...

It’s so lovely to see you joining in today. I really love the colours of your LO. Turquoise is one of my favourite colours. Enjoy your scrapping my friend.
Annie x #3

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, great to see you. I love your new journal page. I understand how you feel but I'm sure you'll soon get back to feeling more like crafting unfortunately sometimes life gets in the way but the desk is always there when you're ready to return. Happy woyww, Angela x12x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Elizabeth, welcome back to WOYWW! I love your seaside theme for your journal cover.
Take care, happy Easter and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 4 xx

Chana Malkah said...

Hi, Elizabeth!

I am glad that you have found the spark to get you going again! And, looking at your title page, I must say you are off to a brilliant start!

I love the layering of the papers and the combination of prints. This is a wonderful focal with tons of visual interest. I look forward to seeing the pages as they are developed!

Be well, and remain encouraged!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW @16

Helen said...

It's so good to see you joining in the desks again, easing yourself in gently! Hugs and happy WOYWW Helen #10

Morti said...

Hey there, Elizabeth!

Lovely to see you here. I was so sorry to read of your loss, and I have no words but simply wish to send you a big warm hug from down here in Cornwall. Your scrapbooks will be of great comfort to you, I'm sure.

Hoping you have a great week.


Crafting With Jack said...

I am really upset. Dolly, my chihuahua, got attacked this morning. A dog barking at her from the other side of the fence suddenly put his head through and dragged her in. I think she has come out of shock now, she has a puncture wound and a bruise. She is probably very sore too.
Wishing you a very happy Easter. Angela #18

BJ said...

Oh Elizabeth, so sorry I didn't realise Alan had died last year, I've just read your tribute to him and it is lovely. I hope your renewed joy of paper crafting will enable you to fill the void of his presence with lots of joyful memories of your times together. Have to say I now have trolley envy, had my eye on one for ages but really don't have the space. Hugs BJ#11

LesleyG said...

You’ve made a great start Elizabeth, and I’m hoping your heart will start to heal through crafting and memories. Take care xxx

Marit said...

Living near the sea side like makes that I know how good and healing those waves are... just listening to how they roll in and rustle is comforting isn't it? Of course you choose a sea-theme for the paper, I love it. I wish you a lovely Easter-weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #2

Sandra H said...

l have always enjoyed your posts so looking forward to seeing more so pleased your back in the craft land and blog land x

Diana Taylor said...

Nice to see you on the desks again. There's nothing like new stash and a new class to get the creativity flowing again. I love the layout and the beach theme is very appealing with such a lovely fresh look to it. I hope you enjoy your class.
Happy WOYWW,
Diana xx #8

My name is Cindy said...

Well hello Elizabeth!! Lovely to see you and to hear that you are doing a bit of crafting again. I love that first page you have done, very fresh and classy - a bit like your new header. Looking forward to seeing more layouts and photos of the sea - you lucky thing to be so close! Thank you for your visit, I went a bit downhill Weds afternoon and took to my bed so only just getting round now!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx

Susan Renshaw said...

Welcome back to WOYWW!
Love the blues in your layout! Nice to use new stash!
Susan #5. Happy WOYWW!