Tuesday 15 March 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

Good Morning All,

This is what I woke up to this morning!

Yesterday, though still chilly, was sunny and bright. Overnight it has changed to this. The Boss is not amused:

Here she is sulking on the window seat in the Estate Manager's music room, which she has claimed as her own! I've just realised how grand that sounds! We live in a wee 3-bed town house but we spread ourselves all over it so the EM has a room where he can practice and play his keyboard and I have a room to craft in. The Boss, however thinks all the rooms are for her own personal use and she merely tolerates us, her staff  : )

Here's why she is sulking:

The view from the music room! No birds out and about for Bonnie to keep an eye on, nothing but the dreaded white stuff and she will not venture out in that either.

However, there is reason to celebrate as today is the anniversary of Bonnie's Adoption Day.  It's 3 years since we adopted her. It was thought she was about 9 years old then making her about 12 years old today.

And talking about reasons to celebrate here's another:

My great-granddaughter, Rhian, now just over 10 weeks old.

As you can see, she's thriving and taking notice of who and what is going on around her. She's even smiling.

And with that cheery photo and with nothing crafty to offer, I'll sign off for now.


  1. Oh she is so gorgeous you must be very proud. I cant believe that snow you have does that mean you have to get you wellies out again.the sun has been out today but getting a bit foggy now .take care Hugs Jeanxx

  2. What a Little sweetie, she is adorable xx
    Spring sunshine here but cold. No Snow.....PLEASE, not again xx

  3. Happy birthday to Bonnie for her adoption day and also what an adorable little bundle of loveliness there with little Rhiann and it is after 7.25am over here and was up early but back to bed my body demands a bit more TLC and bed is the place for me.. I do so agree with your kind comments on my WOYWW but signed out now so it wont go up till I get up later. It is so very nice to have friends in blogland over the waves so far away is it not?
    love Shaz.x ps I am sitting in the computer room in a light cotton nightie no snow in Oz!! a balmy 20C at 7.30am. A bit different to snowy Scotland.

  4. Thank you so much for the kind words. I hope you are well or are getting well very soon, too! I just love your creations; they're so beautiful! (Bonnie is adorable as well!)

    Take Care,

  5. P.S. Rhian is too precious for words!

  6. Beautiful photographs Elizabeth, especially thos eof your Great granddaughter :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Ah what a cutie ! Can't believe your a great grandmother.


  8. how sweet, i bet you are loving having that little bundle of joy. I know i am in 7th heaven just now with all the cuddles


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