Wednesday 18 May 2022

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - The 13th Anniversary Week 676


On a never-to-be-forgotten Wednesday, 13 October 2010, I plucked up my courage and decided to join in with WOYWW for the first time. I'd been lurking for a few weeks, as you do, and thought it would be fun to 'meet' the many crafters already contributing to this weekly reveal of crafty desks. From that first week I was warmly welcomed by Julia on The Stamping Ground and many other Deskers too. It was such a vicarious treat. Over the years I really have made some wonderful friends through WOYWW, and it's been my pleasure to meet many for real too, for that I am eternally grateful for Julia's continuing to host WOYWW . Happy 13th Anniversary, Julia! 

Having said all that, there's not much going on my desk today. Just these albums. One of the scrappers on a Facebook group I'm involved with has asked us to show some of our earliest layouts, hence the albums. It's quite an eye-opener looking back at pages made 25+ years ago. So much has changed in that time. I will share a few photos in a post once I've got some photos to share. 
I can't not show Jan's fabulous ATC received yesterday morning. She sent it even though I doubted I'd be able to join in with the exchange. I was wise to doubt it too. I'm just beginning to feel almost human again after a week or so in bed, poorly with a bad chest and throat infection. 
And now, here's Silver. Of course. It wouldn't be a WOYWW post without her making an appearance and she's not one to miss a celebration!

Thank you for your support each week, your visits to this blog and for all the lovely comments you leave. They are very much appreciated, especially through the difficult times Alan and I have been experiencing since April 2020. Your kind thoughts have helped enormously, Long may WOYWW continue and many thanks again to our lovely host, Julia. 


  1. Happy anniversary my friend. I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling a little better and able to join in the fun. There are a opulent of ATCS on their way to you but we don’t expect any in return...we just wanted to send some love your way.
    Stay well my friend.
    Annie x #8

  2. Happy Anniversary WOYWW. Glad you could get here - with Silver. I would love to see some of your earlier layouts. Ali x #7

  3. Good to see you Elizabeth and hope you are feeling a lot better soon. Hope Alan is feeling well enough for you both to make it to the crop in October too. Silver is looking as cute as ever (meow). Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  4. Hi Elizabeth, Happy Anniversary my friend. Lucky you to receive an ATC on the very day of the Anniversary, brilliant! Wishing you a very happy woyww on this special day. Hugs Angela x15x

  5. Happy lace anniversary to you and to the lovely Silver! Sending big hugs
    Lynnecrafts 19

  6. Happy 13th WOYWW anniversary Elizabeth! I’m so pleased that our paths have crossed a few times in the past decade, I’d have missed out on your crafting, book reviews @nd general loveliness, long may that continue! I’m so sorry that you’ve been poorly though, that’s just not fair, I hope you feel better very very soon xxx
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  7. Just chuckling at Annie's comment - I wonder what she meant by an opulent of ATCs - I know we make lovely ones but not sure I'd call them opulent - I guess it's predictive text taking over again! So glad you are feeling a bit better - you have had such a rough time recently my friend. So, I will wish you a Happy 13th WOYWW anniversary - we are so lucky to have met so many lovely folk aren't we. xx Jo

  8. so glad you were able to join in today, and glad you are starting to feel better - hope you are able to make the crop in October too; but I know that will depend on all sorts! I received my atc from Jan today, too. what a beauty. Take care and Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  9. Happy 13th WOYWW Anniversary. It is a lovely group to belong to.. Angela #13

  10. Bit late, but I'm here now, computer has a mind of its own and suddenly cuts out! (It can't find something, not sure what!) I'm sure I was in the middle of commenting earlier and said that I loved your ATCs! really a great idea and very colourful too! Happy 13th Anniversay WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #21

  11. Good to see you are feeling a bit better than you were on Friday. My friend Sally paid thousands of dollars to buy all kinds of scrapbook papers and ephemera. She made exactly THREE pages and gave up. She gave me a lot of the paper to use in my art because she said the designs were dated by the time she gave them to me. I can only imagine how scrapbook layouts have changed in that length of time.

    Bleubeard and Squiggles say meow to Silver. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  12. Well done on all your years of participating!
    Happy 13th WOYWW Anniversary!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #20
    If you want to swap an ATC with me here in Australia please email me at
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  13. My word Elizabeth, 2010! Feels like about a year ago..altough we have packed a lot in if had been only a year! So sorry to hear youve been so poorly, I know recovery is boring but dont overdo it, just mend and rest. Bet it was a surprise for little Silver to not have you up and about! I have to say that some of my stash seems very dated now, but I plough on because I want to use it. I figure I bought it because I liked it!

  14. Hellooo Elizabeth and Silver ❤💕💛🌈 bela3red WOYWW ... hope you're starting to feel much better 🤗 gorgfous happpy mail you have had ❤💕💛 sending gentke hugs,get well wishes your way Tracy #9 xxxxx


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