Wednesday 9 October 2019


Hello Everyone,

It's a grim day here, so much so that even our resident flock of sparrows have taken refuge in the escallonia for now. However, that makes it a perfect day to join in with Julia's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
The mess on my desk today is just too much! I'm still working on my son's album, of course. And, in the meantime, my desk has become the dumping ground for any bit of ephemera and embellishment not used. All those little dishes need clearing out. Soon. Today would be good! And those scrap pages need to put away too, which is why they are out, ready and waiting, on the desk.

Here's close-ups of a couple of the pages.

I wasn't able to attend the quilting class on Thursday due to trouble with the car. The EM went out to put the sewing machine in the boot (trunk) only to discover the back window was smashed to pieces. No clue to how it happened but, fortunately, it was insured and so was replaced by teatime.

For those of you who read it there's no book bit either. This week I'm listening to Nikky Gemmell's 'The Invisible Women's  Society' - not a book but an Audible podcast which is free for members.

In answer to our Shaz in Oz's questions from last week about the audiobooks I listen too, I should explain that most are also available in real book form - many much cheaper to buy than in audio form. And, yes, I do sometimes read a real book too, preferably in large print as my eyesight isn't as clear as it once was - this is because I'm developing cataracts in both eyes and there's a bunch of floaters in my right eye which are incredibly distracting. About as distracting as the tinnitus in my right ear. Oh, the joys of getting older!

On a brighter note, the EM is making his famous potato and leek soup and the most delicious aromas are drifting my way - yum!

That's it from me today. Be sure to pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground to visit so many more desks today.

I hope you are having a wonderful WOYWW and wish you a great week ahead.


  1. Hi Elizabeth, what lovely photographs you've scrapped. So much happiness shining out from them. I love a real book too, although I use my tablet to read on most often, I'd need to pack a whole suitcase full of books when we go anywhere, lol. But you can't beat holding a real book and turning real pages. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  2. Old age doesn't come on it's own sadly but I'm pretty sure the alternative to getting old isn't so good either so I think we just have to make the best of it :-) It's been manic here today so I'm catching up on my fav blogs while my darling hubby is cooking tea too....aren't we blessed?
    Love your can't craft without a bit of mess and yours seems pretty limited to me. Have a great reat of the week.
    Annie x #12

  3. What a delightful trio of scrapbook pages Elizabeth. I especially like the first one with its big bold shapes.
    What a mess - do you think the car had been vandalised? I cannot think of any other way it could have happened without you knowing. I once left a jacket (not an expensive one) in my car outside church and someone came in to let me know the window had been smashed just to get the jacket. I should have left the door open so they could help themselves as the inconvenience of having to sheet up the window and drive home and them sort it out was so time consuming.
    Wish I had read this earlier - would have popped up for lunch - love potato and leek soup. My Chas has boiled the carcass from the chicken we had and has added barley, lentils, split peas etc and some veg so I can't wait to eat dinner now.
    Mmm Hugs from a rumbling tum Neet 6 xx

  4. I was worrying about Norrie’s eye appointment today in case they would say he is developing cataracts. Fortunately not but he has glaucoma in one eye which means our 44 year old is now tested annually. I’m knitting hats for our charity so at least I managed a whole one at the hospital while I waited.

  5. What a pain about the car but glad it was sorted quickly. I love the pics you've scrapped, too. Happy memories! Have a good week. Helen #2

  6. It's been a soup sort of day! Just like Neet, we had proper chicken soup too...yum! We recently bought an Instant Pot, it's an updated pressure/slow/rice cooker which is absolutely fantastic. It wasn't cheap (we got it in the Amazon sale) but it does the most amazing casseroles (beef 17 minutes), soups, even boiling a gammon joint takes about 12 minutes. And it's so quiet, much better than the old hissy ones!
    I got sidetracked there, sorry - those LOs of yours are fab and made me smile lots.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxxx

  7. Hi Elizabeth, brilliant layouts. I shouldn't worry about the desk, if you don't make a mess sometimes you're not really crafting Lol! Wishing you a very happy creative woyww, Angela x14x

  8. Hi Elizabeth, I'm on the lookout for layout inspiration for scrapbooking. I've decided I want to create a scrapbook for the family holidays we all have together. I love looking through them. I hadn't thought I'd got to old age yet, but I have never had so many hospital appointments as I have had this past year or so! I can't complain though, I'm still here and that's the main thing! Thanks for stopping by earlier - Barcelona was amazing, as always. Lots to see, different foods to try and extra special to go with my two sisters and all our daughters! Have a lovely week Heather xx #28

  9. Great layouts and gorgeous photos, Elizabeth. I particularly like the circles and leaves on the first one. As for a messy desk, it looks pretty tidy to me! You should see how mine gets sometimes!!! These days it's nothing more than a dumping ground as I am concentrating on my slippers that I'm working on downstairs, and the teabag stuff which is on my "wet" table beside the sink. Sorry to hear about the car - what an awful thing to happen! I'm with you with the audio books. I subscribe to Audible too. I've got "hard copy" and audio of several of my favourite books but quite a lot in audio format only. I love listening when I'm doing something not very interesting (e.g. ironing!) and I love to hear good actors reading, especially when they do all the different voices and accents. I'm also developing cataracts but so far not too much problem with reading, but in the evenings I do find it hard to thread needles these days!! Ahh, leek and potato soup! That always goes down well in this household too!

    Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you like my slippers. I'll keep everyone up to date with how my fabric painting/printing goes. I'm determined to make this work somehow! Thank you for your good wishes for my PIP assessment on Tuesday.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #29

  10. Evening Elizabeth, your desk looks really tidy to me, mine is a dumping ground at the moment. I always admire peoples scrap pages as it's something I have never dabbled in. I did have a plan about 5 years ago to start one each for my children but they never made it from the thinking stage. Your family pages are real treasures.
    Shame about missing the quilt show but glad you managed to get the window fixed quickly.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #11

  11. Beautiful layouts! Happy WOYWW. Dorlene #27

  12. Love the scrap layouts Elizabeth. Brilliant use of colour and white space. I am going for an eye test this afternoon. The last time they told me I was starting cataracts and I have lots of floaters in my left eye. I am hoping that new glasses will improve things a little. Glad you managed to get the car fixed so quickly. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. Beautiful scrapbooking going on here! Lovely photos and lots of creativity!
    Glenda #10

  14. Hi Elizabeth. Sorry I'm late. Those pages are lovely - well done. I don't think I have ever listened to an audible book - but I usually have a real book on the go... Get totally lost in them, the real world is no longer!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  15. Thanks for lovely comments - my back is better today, thankfully. Your desk just looks busy to me and those pages are really lovely. xx Jo

  16. The album is looking great! I haven't scrapped for ages! What is it with men and soups? My hubby made a super parsnip and apple soup he other day - it was delicious! Chrisx 30

  17. I so love the pages you have made. They are so lovely. Sorry for the late visit, but life has got a little out of hand this week. Hope you are having a good week. Caro x (#8)


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