Wednesday 29 May 2019

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 521

Hello Everyone

Looks like I'm in the competition to be the last Desker to make an appearance today - reason being that I have been so busy with my preparations for the 10th Anniversary Crop for What's On Your Workdesk on Saturday. I think I've thought of everything. I hope there's nothing I've forgotten. Too late if I have - I'm heading south to England tomorrow morning!
Of course, that means that my desk is as I want you to see it and not how it looked like half an hour ago. You can see I've received my PIF ATC already - thank you Kyla, it perfectly marks the event. You might spot three brand spanking new distress oxide ink pads - the temptation got too much for me. Not had time to play with them yet - it's a treat to look forward to. Also on my desk is a few of the ATCs I've made to celebrate WOYWW 10th Anniversary. There's half a dozen going spare so if anyone would like one let me know, email me with contact details, and I'll be happy to send one out to you.

Of necessity I'm keeping this brief but before I go I want to apologise to everyone who commented last week. Not only did I go MIA on Wednesday but for much of the rest of the week. Life got in the way - a catalogue of stuff that had to be attended to and so many claims on my time, etc., etc., etc. I had the best of intentions but I somehow never caught up. What am I saying? I'm still chasing my tail even now.

That said, I better go finish packing. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the crop on Saturday.

Take care everyone,


  1. sometimes things happen that have to take precedence... good to see you today, and will be great to see you on Saturday. Safe travels. Helen #3

  2. Looking forward to seeing you so much! Safe travels and see you Sat. Hopefully you'll have a rest from all the demands on your time while you're away!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  3. Not quite the last Elizabeth. I've sent you my address if you want to swap. Just send me yours and I'll send you one of my own ATCs too. Hope you enjoy the crop. Happy creative week and wishing you a lovely woyww, Angela x17x

  4. Life gets in the way at times, dear and we've all had it happen to us. Have a great time at the crop and be sure to share lots of photos. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  5. Great cards for the crop enjoy the real cake lol
    hugs Nikki 35
    running super late

  6. Safe travels Elizabeth, see you on Saturday. I am sure you will have fun with the Oxides when you have time. Lovely ATCs, look forward to swapping. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

  7. So pleased it got there on time, enjoy the crop. Kyla

  8. Hi Elizabeth, I'm packing my stuff today, I guess you're already on your way. See you Saturday, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  9. ooh I'm a bit late - you're on your way! Safe journey - see you soon. xx Jo

  10. Lovely to see you today! I always have good intentions of visiting but sometime just get around a few! It's sharing your desk that's main event!! Hugs,Chrisx


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