Thursday 20 December 2018

Silver Leaves - A Snippet Card

Evening Everyone,

It's taken me all day but I've finally finished this card, the makings of which were on yesterday's desk post.
The topper is made entirely from snippets of card, including the beautiful piece embossed with silver leaves - making it perfect for Di's challenge 341 over on Pixie's Snippets Playground.

Supplies used:

  • a white card base measuring 5¼" square
  • Versamark Watermark stamp pad, silver embossing powder and a leaf stamp from Variostamp Leaves set by Folia Variostempel Blatter for the background
  • the embossing powder, scraps of white and black card, greeting stamp and dies from Sweet Sentiments set, a magazine freebie, and the square of embossed card for the topper

I'm sad because that's the last scrap of that silver embossed card. It's gorgeous and I have no idea where I got it from now so no chance of replacing it. Sigh.

Have an enjoyable evening.


  1. A beautiful card, Elizabeth, very elegant and stylish. xx

  2. Stunning card Elizabeth, elegantly designed.
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New year, Kate x

  3. Wonderful card Elizabeth - I can see why you love the silver embossed card so much, it really is so elegant and makes this card super-special!


    Di xx

  4. Great card, Elizabeth.
    Funny thing that I have some different patterns of grey DP snippets on my desk right now!


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