Monday 25 September 2017

In A Vase On Monday - Summer's End

It's a wee while since I joined Cathy for In a Vase On Monday over at Rambling In The Garden. Summer holidays, trips out and life in general got in the way. Not that it's been a particularly good summer for the garden - too much rain and not enough sunshine so it seems summer's end came early.
Today's vase is a plonked arrangement of possibly the last of the roses and sweet peas. I keep thinking that I've picked the last but, no, they just keep coming. However, frost has been forecast so I'm enjoying them while I can. Along with the sweet peas there are several cream roses, Elina, and a pink one - the last from the climber with no name. There's also a few roses from our newest climber, Susie (Harwhistle) which is, at present, smothered in golden blooms together with a couple of stems of centaura montana and dianthus (pinched from my husband's pot).
There's a bit of blue hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) tucked in here and there - here it is keeping a stem of red Faithful roses company.
and a there's a tiny Violet Cloud (Harquick) shrublet rose peaking out too.

Whilst I haven't been posting photos of vases on a Monday I have still been filling the house with flowers. I did, however, take photos of the vases so I thought I'd share a few with you here today.

As you can see the rain didn't ruin everything. The sweet peas are still going strong, as are some of the roses, but frost is forecast and sadly that will bring an end to them. In the meantime, I'll continue to bring them indoors and enjoy their wonderful perfume.

We've struggled to keep up with the garden during the summer and only partly because of holidays and trips away. The truth is, and I don't mind admitting it, that we are getting old; my husband Alan is 79 and troubled with arthritic knees, and in a few weeks I'll be 70 and simply not as able as I once was. Because of this we did have a couple of guys in to help with the hedge trimming and pruning. They also removed a very old, and ugly, fir tree that was growing too close to a beautiful rowan (Sorbus aucuparia). It was doing some damage so it had to go to save the rowan. That sorted out we've been able to catch up with most of the easier gardening jobs before winter sets in.

I'm off to Wales for the weekend which probably means I won't have time to fill a vase for Monday next. We'll be into October by the following week and I wonder what the garden will be offering up then - possibly not sweet peas.

In the meantime, I wish you all happy gardening,


  1. These late vases are all the more special as we don't know how much longer they will last, do we? You have a lovely collection of flowers and vases and jugs. I love jugs. Your roses are beautiful.

  2. So pretty l reckon they smell beautiful too!

  3. I completely understand about the garden and not being able to keep up with it....we are contemplating some help too! Such an array of lovely vases and today's is exceptional with those roses.

  4. Gosh, your sweet peas have done well - and what a lot of roses too. Good to see some of your 'private' vases too. I too have been looking at our garden and what might become a problem as we get older, particularly some of the trees. We just don't know how long we will remain fit and healthy (and agile), do we? Thanks for sharing your vase and chatty post today, Elizabeth

  5. Absolutely stunning arrangements Elizabeth, you certainly have a talent for this craft. Yes this getting old is just pants, but you've got to keep going as long as you can doing the things you love, Kate x

  6. A few years ago I started hiring help in the spring, as I can no longer do it all by myself in a timely fashion. I also let a few beds go (I used to have 9!) It is hard to do, but I had to make peace with it. Gardening should be a source of joy after all.
    I love your vase collection, esp the blue ones, and your arrangements are lovely! Cheers!


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