Monday 16 January 2017

In A Vase On Monday - Amaryllis

Morning Everyone

I'm cheating a bit this week because there's no new vase, although last week's is still going strong and, yes, the buds of the Sarcococca did open to release their heady perfume. Instead, as apart from evergreens and a few berries on the cotoneaster and skimmia, there's little of colour in the garden to pick I'm sharing my potted Amaryllis, Hippeastrum.

Every year, just before Christmas, my husband presents me with a bulb which I duly plant up and we wait in eager anticipation to see what colour it's going to be. In the past they have all been bright red but this year's is the softest peach and white - a lovely surprise.

Close up it's a beauty.  Apart from how striking it is I have another reason for my enjoyment of my Amaryllis, and that's in its name. It reminds me of a much loved character, Marilla, from one of my favourite childhood reads, Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery. Not exactly the same word but near enough to bring to mind a formidable lady who mellowed towards the orphaned Anne over time. And just to prove I'm not completely daft, Wikipedia informs me that Marilla is a shortened form of Amaryllis.and means Shining Sea!

If you want to see more cheering arrangements why not pop over to Cathy's blog, Rambling in the Garden where others are sure to be sharing what's in their vases (or pots) today.


  1. I love seeing everyone's Amaryllis; I did buy one this year but isn't growing at all; maybe it is just too cold for it in the greenhouse. Yours is beautiful.

  2. Oh that's an intriguing idea, not knowing what colour it is going to be - a deliberate ploy, I guess? I suggested to Younger Daughter that if she bought me one this year as she often does that I would quite like it not to be red, as this is what I have preferred for a long time - but she didn't manage to get one anyone. What an intriguing bit of info about Marilla nd Amaryllis - and you have made me want to read Anne of Green Gables again...! Thanks for sharing

  3. A lovely color with a load of buds :) I love the props, too, and the window backdrop makes it all so homey!

  4. It's beautifully softly coloured, a stunner. Anne of Green Gables has always been a favourite of mine too. I've lost count of the times I've read it. I daren't start again or I'd have to read them all!

  5. What a lovely amaryllis - thank you for sharing. I too loved Anne of Green Gables but had never made the connection - I will not look at amaryllis in the same way again!

  6. What a beautiful flower and a lovely shade of peachy pink!

  7. Stunning flowers love the colour love and hugs Carole x

  8. This is a gorgeous colour! So feminine and pretty.

    I like the star shaped holder...or prop...not quite sure what to call it. It looks so much better than the piece of bamboo that I cut off and use!


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