Friday 20 January 2017

Friday Smile

Hi Friday Smilers,

It's a wee while since I've joined in with Annie's Friday Smiles on A Stitch In Time but I thought this photo of my great niece would make you smile as much as it did me.
Arihanna was delighted to lose her first tooth.

And here's the answer to a question, should anyone care to ask, of what I plan to do with what's left of my retirement.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day and that you've had a lot to smile about this week.

Take care and stay safe.


  1. I love to see a gappy smile Ellie. It really made me smile....and trust me I need it at the mo. The overlocker I got back from being repaired last week with a huge bill of £113 has refused to work for me this afternoon so now it has to go back. I rang the shop to let him know and I have a feeling he's going to try to blame me!! Watch this space as they say. I was only using it for fine bridesmaid material so I know it's nothing I've not a happy bunny as I rely so much on my machines working reliably as you can imagine.
    Annie x

  2. Oh yes, what a lovely smile. I'm sure the tooth fairy could be the cause of the smile too. Great photo.

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    Very cute picture! How can you not smile when a child is so proud of missing teeth!

    Oh, I keep running my retirement numbers and if I would be smart about it I'd stay until July, 2018 - but I don't want to be smart about it! I'm mentally ready now. I have to do some serious stocking up on craft supplies first!!

    Love your sign about retirement.


  4. I planned on doing a lot of things when I retired, but I don't manage to do many of them. I seem to be busier than I ever was when I worked!
    The little 'gappy' grin made me smile. I remember when my boys first lost teeth and they went around showing everyone their gap.
    Enjoy your quilting! Kate x

  5. Aww she is just lovely, made me smile.
    Good for you Elizabeth, hope you find time for your quilting, Kate x

  6. I simply adore that cheeky grin. She was milking it for all it was worth, too. She's a real cutie and you have a lot to be proud of.

    I like your retirement plan. Just wish I knew how to quilt!

    Have a super Friday and weekend, too.

  7. What an adorable gap-tooth smile!
    Hope you enjoy your retirement and manage a lot of quilting.
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. What a lovely smile! Quilting sound cool! Enjoy! xxx

  9. Awww so cute just like my grandaughter who lost her first tooth last week but we think she swollowed it ...... hasn't appeared although not really looked still the fairy made an appearance take care xx

  10. Hi Elizabeth, not long back from my hols so catching up on the Friday visits. Great toothy photo and the retirement plan looks good to me. Have a great week, Angela xXx


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