Saturday 23 April 2016

Bonnie - The Boss - RIP

Our lovely girl gone forever.
22 April 2016


  1. Oh Elizabeth I really am so sorry. Hugs, Barbxx

  2. So so sorry to hear about Bonnie. I know how much you will miss her too. R.I.P. Bonnie. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Oh so sorry to read this Elizabeth sending lots of love x

  4. So sorry Elizabeth.....R.I.P beautiful Bonnie xx

  5. So, so sorry to read this Elizabeth, our four legged friends become such big parts of our lives and leave big holes behind them.

    B x

  6. I spotted this sad news on Facebook :( Am so sorry that Bonnie has gone to the Rainbow Bridge - I know how loved she was by both of you.

    Sending love and hugs

    Di xxx

  7. Hello Elizabeth, I am so sorry to read that Bonnie has gone, how sad for you, our little pets are so much part of our families and are sorely missed. Hugs Kate x

  8. So sadit always leaves a big hole in the family when you have been so close to your pet Thinking about you Love and hugs Carole x

  9. Hi Elizabeth I am so sorry to hear that you lost Bonnie it is never easy to lose any pet so loved. Hugs Always ~Anne L

  10. So sorry for your loss. they are just special company and love us no matter what. Cherish the memories. Hugs

  11. Sorry to read this Elizabeth, I can understand the loss of a loved pet. When our cats went, a friend described it as them going to the great duvet in the sky, always makes me smile.

  12. I am so sorry you have lost the beautiful Bonnie. Sorry too that I am so late catching up with your blog and the sad news. Take care. Huge hugs! xxx


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