Wednesday 13 January 2016

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - WOYWW Week 345

Afternoon WOYWWers and All,

Hello Everyone, I hope all is well and good with you today. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments, I do enjoy reading them and appreciate the time taken to leave them.

Another Wednesday. That day again. The one where an awful lot of us join in with Head Desker, Julia, over at Stamping Ground for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.
I've been stamping! It seems like ages since any of my stamps have been inked up though in reality it is only a few weeks ... just before Christmas actually, but that was last year! I did make a winter birthday card yesterday using the Penny Black Snowy Park stamp, that's the one next to the tin of Stick & Spray, but I was in such a hurry to pass it on to the birthday boy - 35 today - that I forgot to take a photo to show you! Another card that got away :) The stuff in the white bottle is fluffy stuff and that's red Liquid Pearls next to it. The large stamp is another Penny Black one, Berry Red, Snow White - one of my favourites for winter cards. As you can see I'm working in a tiny space. Stuff has just been pushed back temporarily ... the Christmas album is still there ... advances have been made but it is still a work in progress. You don't believe me ...
... well, here's the cluttery mess in all it's glory! Of course, all that stuff is absolutely essential :)

I'm off now to do a bit of desk-hopping. I did visit everyone last week and thoroughly enjoyed peeking at all your desks and reading your posts. However, I didn't always find time to leave a comment. Hopefully, I'll do better this week.

Enjoy the rest of the day and have a great week.


  1. Luv the winter stamp on your desk - I may have to go looking for that !!

  2. Your space looks super-organised compared to mine!

  3. Hi Elizabeth, Wow you've got a lovely big desk there and how nice and tidy your work area looks. You put me to shame. Your stamping looks good. They're two lovely stamps in the top picture. Have a lovely week. Barbx #39

  4. I'm late, I'm late for a very important date :-) I've been chasing my tail all day but have now managed to get to check out a few of my fav blogs :-)
    I'm chuckling at your postage stamp space that you've crafing in....def some pushing back gone on there ;-)
    Annie x # 11

  5. Your desk looks a whole lot like mine when I am creating things. Love that stamp. Love Penny Black. April #56

  6. Wow, Elizabeth, that's one creative space. What a great amount of supplies you have out and ready to be used. Love how yo store your washi tape.

    Bleubeard asked me to say hi to Bonnie, so here goes the MEOW! Happy WOYWW from #2.

  7. Have fun stamping! I love Penny Black stamps.

    Sharon K

  8. You know, it actually is glorious, and of course essential!!!

    Happy WoYwW!

    #62 today with

  9. Lots going on it looks like you can grab what you need all in one quick reach
    Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 12

  10. That's a happy looking desk today Elizabeth!! What on earth is fluffy stuff though?? It's a great name and made me laugh! I hope you're having fun creating, I'm not really in the mood at the moment!
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xxx

  11. ooh that stamp has such cool perspective to the scene :) love the colors you have going on too. Thanks for the earlier visit! ~Stacy #57

  12. A busy desk - at least you still have space to work (unlike me). Thanks for calling by earlier,
    Bernice #64

  13. great looking neat and tidy with all sorts of fun stuff to play everyone else I love that stamp!Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #61

  14. Such a pretty stamp and a fun filled desk too. Take care Zo xx 37

  15. All of it is entirely essential!!
    That's a pretty stamp

  16. Pretty stamp - reminded me of the lovely embroidery over on Velvet moth blog! x Jo


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