Wednesday 25 November 2015

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 338

Hello Everyone,

And happy WOYWW day to you all.

Before I reveal the mess that is my desk this morning, I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone who sent my daughter, Juli, their good wishes yesterday. For those who don't know, Juli had an operation to have a Cochlear implant fitted. The three hour long op was successful and Juli has bounced back very quickly ... a whole lot quicker than her poor mum did! It will be a few more weeks before the device is switched on but then I think the world of sound is going to be a revelation to her - not least because after 44 years of silence she is going to hear music! I really can't think of a better Christmas present for my daughter than that.

Now on to what you've come to see - the desk!
That is sunshine you see streaming through the window! Apologies for the glare on the packet of stamps but I didn't pull the blind down for the photo. After the dreadful weather we've suffered recently it would be a shame to shut out the sunshine. And what's on the desk today? Piles! I'm really good at creating piles - in fact, I'm an expert at it. The pile of card and paper at the front is concealing a card I'm working on - the design for which involved the leafy template, the stamps and the distress inks, another pile, you can see at the back. There's also yet another pile, this time of die-cut leaves - tucked inside a tin lid top left - I went mad with the die-cutting machine ... I'm sure they will all come in handy for future projects. Next to that is, you've guessed, another pile, this time photographs - the same pile that has been there for some weeks. Should do something with them really ... maybe tomorrow, or the next day - you get the idea. On top of the photographs are some cut out letters - more off later - and next to the distress inks is a cute little crocheted chick - was a UFO but now finished - yeah!
This is what's on the sewing table today ... the reason for those cut out letters mentioned above. Bunting I'm making for my little great-grandson, Brodie, three tomorrow. His unusual name means that finding anything personalised is not easy so I'm hoping he will enjoy seeing his name hanging up on his bedroom wall - that is, once he can read :)

Well, that's me this week. A wee bit longer than Julia recommends but hopefully you've managed to hang on in there and read this far - my thanks if you have :)

Have a great day, take care, and I wish you all a wonderful crafty week ahead.


  1. Hi Elizabeth....I'm still grinning at the thought of your daughter hearing for the first time soon......keeping everything crossed for her. Really hope her recovery goes well.
    Love the bunting...fab material. I bet her will love it.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 9

  2. That will be a change for your daughter, can imagine that it will be overwhelming in the beginning, can she turn it off if she wants to?
    Great bunting, bet he'll love it. Vicky(#8)

  3. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like for Juli when she hears for the first time - I should imagine it'll be overwhelming at times but how wonderful that she'll be able to hear your voice too, never mind music. The best present ever...I'm getting a bit emotional about that, so goodness knows what you're like. I'd be in a heap by now.....
    Love the bunting for Brodie too - great job, I like the chunky font :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 15 xxx

  4. Hi Elizabeth, was so pleased to hear the op went well, what a wonderful thing to be able to do, give someone hearing again(?) after so long.
    Love the bunting, as you say with unusual names it's almost impossible to find personalised stuff- my Grandson and Granddaughter- Mortimer and Merlin- know that too well. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #1 xxx

  5. Hi Elizabeth. I'm so glad your daughter's op went well and it's amazing that she will be able to hear music for the first time, I can't imagine what that will feel like for her, almost a miracle I should think.
    Your bunting is looking great. It's so difficult to find personalised things sometimes when they have unusual names isn't it.
    Have a good week
    Hugs Lisax #16

  6. This is the first l have read about your daughter l am so pleased for her ....sending lots of love x

  7. Hi Elizabeth, goshy I hope it continues to go well for your daughter. Interesting desks, thanks for sharing. I'm trying to work out what the stamps are actually of. Is one a toadstool?
    Have a great week,
    Lizzie J #30

  8. Hullo Elizabeth,
    well what a miracle is the cochlear implant, how utterly wonderful for your darling daughter too, as well as all who love her.
    I pray all goes well for the day of the big reveal.
    It was actually an Australian who invented the implant, and when listening too the share report have often thought it would be a good company to invest in if one had the spare pennies. :)
    Well I too am expert at collecting piles but mine are not as neat and organised as yours are, happy WOYWW,
    Shaz in Oz.x #4 I think

  9. So glad to hear the op went well, and how wonderful that your daughter will soon be hearing - wishing her (and you) all the best. Love the desk, too! Helen #3

  10. Such a lot of varied crafting for us to delight in today Elizabeth. Thank you.
    Didn't know about your daughter Juli so can I add my congratulations on her operation and the hopes that it wil be completely successful. What a gift for Christmas.
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  11. A great look at your work space Elizabeth and love that bunting for your great grandson. How wonderful that your daughter will soon be able to hear after a lifetime of silence!! I'm sure it will take her a little time to adjust to our noisy world, and not just music but to be able to put voices to all those familiar faces will be quite overwhelming I think. x

  12. Oh my goodness Elizabeth I just can't get past all the news about your daughter. You must have been nervous but what a fabulous thing to have the technology and skill to bring her after that many years.
    I have music in my life from morning to night and can't imagine living without it. She's going to have a wonderful surprise... and imagine her hearing all of your voices for the first time! Blows me away I have to admit.
    I have a nephew who has been (I'd say deaf but he says hard of hearing after a childhood illness but we all know he lip reads. I'd love him to have this procedure done... it would be amazing. I'll have to let him know about your Juli.
    Love your desk... sorry I didn't say much about it but I think this comment is big enough. Catch you next time and I wish your daughter well when she goes all systems go. xoxo
    Neesie #42

  13. Such lovely creations on your post but to me the best bit is about your daughter. What a wonderful thought that she will get to experience all of the things that we take for granted. I listen to the radio every day and can't imagine not having it so for Juli, I am so pleased. Take care Zo xx 33

  14. Hi Elizabeth have just read about your daughter's op. How amazing for her, no doubt there will be lots of wonderful times ahead for her.
    Love the bunting for your great grandson, he'll love that..
    Thanks for visiting my blog
    Hugs, Avril xx

  15. Thann you so much for my postcard of Ayr. It sounds like a beautiful place, I have a cousin who lives in Scotland somewhere


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