Wednesday 15 July 2015

WOYWW - Week 319

Hello Everyone,

As many of you will already know, our friend, Eliza, Queenartoypia, passed away quite suddenly a week ago. She will be much missed by the crafting community and I personally will miss our exchanges concerning our cats, Yoda and Bonnie. My thoughts go out to her best friend, DeDe and her family.

My desk this week.

Not much progress again this week. Despite the rain we've been out and about on our little summer trips - Sunday to Portpatrick and Monday to a garden centre at Ballantrae - so there has been precious little crafting time. And the writer's cramp I get now and again has been particularly troublesome so the crochet has come to a standstill, for now! I'm sure a few days rest and I'll be able to take up my hook again. So what you see on my desk today, in front, is a scrap page in process, the photo has a lovely story behind it which just has to be scrapped, and a photo taken of a beautiful Crazy Daisy and sweet peas from my garden that I'm thinking will make a lovely card topper. At the back a couple of paper punches and a pack of pens - the black one is used frequently for journaling on scrap pages. Off to the right, on top of both guillotines, are some Molly Bloom stamps I plan to use on some cards for some upcoming birthdays.

So there you are. Nothing very interesting really. I think the summer weeks give temporary pause to crafting as we find reason to leave our craft rooms and get out more, hopefully in to the sunshine. And today, here in South Ayrshire, we have sunshine - a rarity indeed. So it will be a quick lunch and then out into the garden to do a spot of deadheading and dealing with any damage caused by the recent downpours.

Last week Lisca in her comment asked that I show some photos of my garden and as I always aim to please here are a few shots taken recently.
The Lavender bed with the Cistus in full bloom. In the forefront is a red Astilbe just coming into flower.
This is a part view of a patch sown with a mix of annuals. There's all sorts in there, a variety of poppies, borage, fennel, cornflowers, corncockles, but the most dominant are the pot marigolds.
Borage with malvas and escallonia in the background.
Taken a few weeks ago this is the view from the shed, looking down towards the Lavender bed and on into the wooded area.
Finally, the new bed in the front garden which was cut out of the lawn - it's backed by some old shrubs inherited with the garden.

Hope you enjoyed these photos, Lisca. There's so much more of the garden than this but I need to get out with the camera and take some more up-to-date shots ... to be shown next week, perhaps :)

Wishing you all a good week ahead.


  1. I think we are all suffering with the lack of creating at the mo Elizabeth.....too much mess here to want to get out lovely fabrics in the middle of it all for me [and I have a wedding dress coming Friday too ;-/ ]. Really love your gorgeous seem to have got it looking so lovely in just a short time of being in your new home.
    Annie x # 20

  2. Your garden is looking beautiful and there are loads of plants which are good for pollinating insects! I try and only have plants like that, bees love borage, don't they? And there's been masses of them on my lavenders, thymes and nepeta too :-)
    Such a shame about Eliza, isn't it? Goodness, I shall miss her......
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

    Ps, just remembered. Have you tried using Clover crochet hooks? They have a fatter handle and are kinder on the thumb joints than thinner ones. Xx

  3. Hi Elizabeth, first off, thanks for the photo of the Astilbe. I have one in my garden, but didn't know what it was! I have Borage too- isn't it wonderful? Gorgeous garden pictures- I knew from your In a Vase... posts that it must be full of glorious plants. Rain damage! Ugh! I have a lovely dark red Clematis growing up trellis outside the kitchen, and every single year, just as most of the flowers open, it absolutely hammers down with rain, and beats them to a pulp. Never fails. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #13 xxx

  4. Oh Elizabeth, thank you so much for the photos of your garden! It is indeed stunning. The marigolds lift the spirits with their yellow shine, and the astilbes look regal in front of the lavender. I love it. You have a nice corner to sit in, I spy a bench and a table. I hope the good weather holds and you can enjoy many an hour enjoying it all.
    Thanks again. (I'm sure I won't be the only one loving those photos)
    Have a great week,

  5. Gorgeous garden and I love your crazy daisy photo. x Jo

  6. Love the photos of your garden! So green and full of life. I think we slow down crafting in summer too. We have other fun things to do... or at least I hope you all do. Me, I'm too busy with work. Judy #51

  7. Your garden looks really beautiful Elizabeth. My time off from crafting were the weeks holiday in the south of france.
    Greetings from Veerle

  8. Don't know about Lisce but I certainly enjoyed your garden. I particularly liked the way you named the plants for me as I am useless.
    Hope your poor hand is soon better.
    Hugs, Neet xx 26

  9. Your garden is beautiful. I could do with a lazy day of wandering and a glass of iced tea there. I can't wait to start scrapbooking again.

    As to the writers cramp, I have found that something like icy hot or ddep heat rubbed into that part of the wrist/ knuckle area then wearing a cuff at night meant for carpal tunnel helps tremendously. As a heavy duty crocheter for a local charity, my wrist takes a beating between the crochet hook and the computer mouse. Creative Blessings! Kelly #49

  10. Yes, a very sad loss is Eliza and feeling most and prayer for her dear ones...

    Lovley desky share and sorry about your hands does make it hard as we get older.

    Thanks also for sharing your wonderful garden.. hard to pick a best one, but your new bed is certainly is looking very well.
    Happy WOYWW, thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #19

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  11. Thank you for sharing the photos of your lovely garden! It's stolen the show from the picture of your desk! Happy WOYWW and thanks for already dropping by!
    Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS


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