Wednesday 3 December 2014

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - WOYWW Week 287

Good Afternoon,

It's Wednesday, and so WOYWW day over at Julia's, an event, unfortunately, I had to miss last week and one I should have been here for earlier today but de-guddling my desk suddenly took priority! Not for this post but because of it. You see, after I'd taken the shot below depicting, as it so does, the humongous disgrace that is my desk, it was obvious I had to do something, anything, or I'd never craft again!
My desk, in a right old guddle! To those who may wonder, guddle is a Scots word meaning a confusion which somehow sounds a tad tame - something is definitely lost in translation. I see Julia would call it a 'hell hole' ... now that's a much more apt translation :) And the reason for this particular hell hole is? Well, I've been sorting my craft space out ... de-stashing, tossing stuff, reconfiguring, etc., etc. ... and somehow managed to make even more of a guddle in the process. The old adage that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs comes to mind. Sadly, I'm still an awful long way off from the omelette stage :(  The reason is clear. I'm working on far too many things at once ... Christmassy things, of course. I suspect not too unlike many of you, my fellow WOYWWers. So, since taking this pic this morning, I've put away all the stuff you can see - well, let's not lie, I've found a temporary home for it - and given myself a clear area to get on with the next pressing project on my to-do list.

How are you doing? Are you any more organised than I am? I do hope so. Whatever, I wish you on this the first What's On Your Desk Wednesday in December, a very good week.

Happy Crafting,


  1. Reading this makes me feel so much better. My workspace is in a similar state! I had planned to have a good tidy today, until I had an early morning call to say that a teacher was sick and could I cover for the day. So off I went to school to teach a class of four and five year olds. I guess tidying my workspace will be tomorrow's job......perhaps. ;-) xx

  2. No I am not more organised! I am in a guddle too! I have never heard that word before and I love it! I haven't joined in WOYWW for ages, hopefully I will manage one day! xxx

  3. Oh I love that word Elizabeth. When my mum was alive she used a lot of words known only to her and our favourite still make us smile when we use them....happy memories :-)
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #19

  4. I know EXACTLY what you mean Elizabeth. My usual desk is pretty much in a right old guddle too, and if you see the desk on my blog right now it is a pretty fabricy guddle right now!! Like you I have too many things on the go at once!
    Hey ho ey!
    Hugs and Happy Wednesday.
    xx # 39

  5. Ho! Look at all the yummy papers and ribbons... and those letters, to drool for! :D I also am particularly attracted to that purple ruler! I do spy a tiny corner of your cutting mat under there.

    I do so understand your all of a sudden need to have a clear up... at a certain point of craftiness too much stuff begins to deter rather than encourage further creativity! We all have been there. If you really want to see chaos take a look at this link on my blog from when I completely tore up my studio to have a huge garage sale to get rid of un-used craft things and give my entire studio a complete face-lift! As you look at the photos you will understand when I say I actually sat in my studio post sale and just stared like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car and cried... for several days!!! LOL! My studio has gone through several more re-dos until this past summer I think I'm where I want it to be finally. I will be showing a tour in January. Well, I have babbled on haven't I?! That's what happens when you live way out in the woods I guess... lol!
    Great to meet you and your studio! I will be back next week...
    Hugs from your sister in art from across the pond,
    Beth P

  6. Hi - think it must come with the time of year - sort of Festive Guddle ! Hope the grand tidy up does the trick and you can get back crafting soon ! Ali #51

  7. Hi Elizabeth - sounds like you and I have a lot in common! I hate working in a guddle, but that seems to be the way of things at the moment. Sorted my yarn at the weekend, and the boxes arrived this afternoon for my fabrics - but I just don't have time to stop and sort them - just one big vicious circle at the mo. However, I'm determined not to fret, and just enjoy life - hope you can do the same, and have a lovely week. Hugs, Chris # 15

  8. Yes one thing at a time Elizabeth, Christmas is looming so get them out of the way...thenyou can get on with the 'guddling' mess clean up. Cheers enjoy your week RobynO#26

  9. Hi Elizabeth, you're not alone, this is the worst time of the year for trying to keep the workspace tidy, I just can't Lol! I am trying to complete all the usual jobs and make Christmas cards too, it's just manic!
    Happy crafting, Angela x 28

  10. You and me desk is a right guddle too! Except it's fabric on mine.... Although, I did have a massive tidy up tonight, couldn't stand it anymore!!
    Hugs, LLJ 22 xx

  11. Hi Elizabeth, well that is a new word for me, I might remember it - who knows!

    I rather like the scarfati idea, especially as you can wear one or more, and I mus make some for myself, and the wrist warmers too. I am itching to make a jumper from some new yarn I bought, well two lots of it, no - 3 lots of different yarn. Then there is the cotton I bought in the summer, and the bamboo, and I want to make a jacket for my grandson, as well as tops for me. I also need to lose another couple of stones and if I do everything is likely to be too big - dilemma. Make it smaller, or wait? I've been struggling this year, yoyoing really and not making much progress so far.

    I found a yarn seller on facebook, and she keeps offering me amazing prices too good to refuse, but the yarn is backing up now, and will soon take over so I can't get to the card guddle!

    I hope you have a good week too, and Bonnie!

  12. Hmm, my place always looks like that ;-) When I am in the studio I work at several projects the same time because I have a lot of drying time in between. So things pile up. Thank you for the new word I learned, will gladly keep it in mind.
    Gabriele 12

  13. Oh my desk is a right guddle most of the time. Never enough time to do all the wonderful things life has to offer. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @29


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