Sunday 28 December 2014

Sunday Snippets - The One After Christmas

Evening Everyone,

I hope you are all recovering from the excesses of the holidays and are now looking forward to some New Year celebrations - yet more excesses! We've had a wonderful time ... a quiet Christmas day followed by a very busy and happy Boxing Day with family and friends ... and it looks as though there's enough food in stock to keep us going right up to Easter :)

All this excitement means I haven't been crafting at all so here's something I put together quickly before Christmas whilst wrapping some presents and looking for a way to present them.
I discovered the plain white bags on a recent trip to The Range. They are perfect for decorating.
A snippet of trim, a greeting and a decoupaged topper from an old Papermania kit, from a couple of years ago, was all that was needed to prettify each bag.
Hopefully you can see the effect of the layers of decoupage in this close up.
This old kit somehow still keeps giving even if it is a couple of years old and must be one of the prettiest I've ever seen ... I think it was called Henbury Lane Poinsettia. I've only used a small amount of trim on the bags but every bit counts in the fight to keep the snippet mountain under check and it does mean I can pop over to Pixies Snippets Playground again. I wonder if there is snow there yet and are the ducks skating on a frozen pond!

However, I won't be making any snowmen or going skating either :( I have a rotten cold. Worse still, it looks as though the EM has caught it from me ... never let it be said that I don't like to share! Hopefully we will both be right for January 1st ... it would be nice to start the year as we plan to go on ... germ free :)

I promise not to share my cold with you though ... take care and keep well.

Happy Crafting,


  1. Beautiful bags Elizabeth. Happy to'hear you enjoyed the Festive Season. Hope your cold gets better before 2015 Hugs Rita xxxxx

  2. Gorgeous bags Elizabeth and hope you get rid of that rotten's been very quiet here..but it was fun to watch 'his lordship' opening his presents LOL huggles Sue xxx

  3. Those are wonderful gift bags, Elizabeth! Your Christmas sounds a bit like ours, and without wasting food I can't start dieting yet, lol!
    So sorry I haven't been over for a while. the run up to Christmas (the whole of December really) always gets a bit mad at work with panto, Christmas fair, nativities etc.
    Hope the new year brings you lots of good things. all the best

  4. Very pretty bags, a lovely way ti give a present.
    happy New Year to you and yours :o)
    Jackie xx

  5. Oh these wee bags are so pretty Elizabeth! I feel a trip to The Range coming on :)

    Let's hope that cold of yours clears up ready for the New Year - and this morning the birdies were skating round the bird bath until Len went out to add more room temperature water.


    Di xx

  6. So pretty are your bags Elizabeth and they become so personal handmade....hope your clear of your cold soon take care xx

  7. Great decoration of the bags. Made something very plain into a gift in itself. I have a rotten cold too which started at Christmas.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  8. What a great idea these bags are to put awkward to wrap gifts in, and any others of course. I love the Papermania flowers you have used in those pretty colours. Hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. x


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