Tuesday 1 April 2014

Goodbye March - Welcome April

Good Afternoon Folks

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding 
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing 
Memory and desire, stirring 
Dull roots with spring rain.
                from The Waste Land by T S Elliot 

Well T S Elliot might have thought that it is April that is the cruellest month but I reckon that accolade ought really to go to March! It's been a month of one illness after another for the EM and I. It started when I picked up a virus and then, just as I was getting over that, I developed inflammation on my shoulder. Next the EM went down with a virus ... probably passed on by me which he, generous as ever, then passed back to me! Well, it does seem like that was the way it happened because I've certainly been poorly again, and with another virus from which, happily, I am now recovering. You would think that would be enough bad luck for one month, but it seems not because the EM has now developed sciatica, and he is suffering, poor man. The result of over strenuous gardening!!! Oh, and even The Boss had a couple of off days too though she quickly rallied and is as right as rain now.

So, just in case you wondered, I'm still here but only just! I haven't been in the craft room at all for the last week or so - I've just about enough energy to do the things I have to do and the rest of the time I'm either sleeping or resting. It could be some time before normal service is resumed but I'm sure I will be back crafting and blogging again ... just as soon as we are all fighting fit.

In the meantime I'll leave you with this photo taken just today.
A few daffs and some greenery picked from our garden to bring some cheer into our home. I can see that they will be going over soon and it will be time to pop out with the secateurs and see what other little gems we have growing now that spring is here.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy April.

Take care and happy crafting,


  1. Healing wishes for a healthy Spring.

    I do know of Sciatica andshoulder problems...and wish I didn't...I am sure you feel the same.

    Here's to careful gardening once healed!!!

    Thanks for sharing the blooms...time to get out in our garden as the sun is shining today. Off for a coffee out with a friend and then maybe a wee bit of work in the garden. Even pulling a few weeds for 20 minutes helps! lol

  2. So sorry to hear you have both been suffering. It takes so much of your energy these blessed viruses. Fingers crossed that April will be a better month for you all. Comforting Hugs Rita. Xxx

  3. Hi Elizabeth oh I'm so sorry to hear you have all been poorly, I hope you feel better soon and your shoulder gets better. Big hugs to you
    Vic x

  4. Oh chick. am crawling round with the old back problem agaaaaaain so hope you feel better soon. Lovely flowers, they did make me smile and feel happier :)

    Not had a cordless glue gun, mine is mains, but I suspect one would be just as good as a corded one (think cordless drills)- and also easier to use. Don't you DARE go tempting me!!



  5. Hope all will bee well wit you and DH soon. Anne x

  6. Oh Elizabeth so sorry to hear both of you have been under the weather l hope your feeling much better and fully recovered pretty soon, Your vase looks lovely nice to pick and display from your own garden we don't have any colour as yet but hopefully will have to put some in although the garden is still pretty waterlogged take care and look forward to seeing what you do create once back in your craft room xx

  7. Sorry to hear that you are having so many ailments in your little world at the moment Elizabeth.
    I can sympathise with the shoulder problems and the sciatica, thank goodness I get them one at a time!
    Jackie xx

  8. Sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. Rest is the best medicine. Take care.
    Bobbie Lynn

  9. Gosh March sure was a cruel month for you two, hope you are both on the mend now. I still remember the 5 months of virus upon virus the Winter before last but DH thinks having my Wisdom tooth removed has saved me from it all this year. Saying that I now have a sore throat! Gentle Hugs Bj

  10. Oh meant to say, like the new webpage banner and all. BJ


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