Wednesday 18 September 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 798/18

Hello and Good Afternoon Everyone,

I'd love to say I have a great excuse for being late but it wouldn't be true. As my mother would have said, I'm like the coo's (cow's) tail, all behind! I just can't seem to get organised and it shows on my desk.
See what I mean. It's a mess. To quote a fellow desker, Lynn of One I Made Earlier, I need 'to give it all a good coat of looking at' and and then just sort it all out!!!

Maybe I should explain a little of why things have got to this abysmal stage. As well as being the designated craft room, this room became my bedroom. I had to move out of the main bedroom when Alan was becoming increasingly disabled so he had the necessary space to move around with his walker or in his wheelchair. While I slept in here, I kept it reasonably organised, crafting in one area, sleeping in the other. However, recently, after many months of dithering, swithering and generally being somewhat unwilling, I have moved back into the main bedroom. And what an upheaval it's been. Stuff has gone from one room to be stored in the other. Result the main bedroom is a haven of peace and tranquillity but the craft room is in a real muddle. I dare not show you the rest of the room - it's the very definition of chaos! I'm ashamed. 

Unlike Jan of Lunch Lady Jan's Fabric Frenzy, brave lady that she is, I won't be posting a photo of the bed! See her post here. Like she says, it's just become an extra work surface. In my case it's a dumping ground! 

So if you'd rather see more organised workdesks than mine, and why wouldn't you, do pop over to the keeper of desks, Sarah on Sarah's Craft Shed and check out the many links thereon. Better still, why don't you join in the fun and let us see what's on your workdesk too.

As there's no show without Punch, here's Silver's contribution today.
'Me, shameless, not a bit of it!'

Best wishes to you all. Have a wonderful week.

Take care Everyone,


  1. Silver looks very relaxed about it all!
    I firmly believe you have to take things at your own pace.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 9 xx

  2. But I only shared the bed when it was relatively tidy, lol! There’s mountains of stuff that comes and goes, teetering piles and boxes, it all gets dumped. So you’re in good company and things will get sorted eventually. Silver could be doing some Yoga there!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  3. I laughed at Jans comment…instead of the downward dog position that must be the upwards cat 😂😂😂 nothing wrong with a bit of mess….its your mess and its your choice 😀
    Annie x #7

  4. I love Lynn's quote of 'a good coat of looking at' - I have a couple of areas that need that in my house! I like Annie's attitude of nothing wrong with a bit of mess - you'll know when you are ready to tackle it. Good luck and Happy WOYWW
    Diana xx #13

  5. you'd be horrified if you saw everything here! everywhere is FULL! good job no-one visits! Hope you get sorted out but take it easy. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  6. Late, early who cares as long as you are here. You mustn't worry about what your desk looks like, good crafters will often get into a mess and it's usually a sign of ideas developing. However I hope you get things organised how you want them then you will be able to relax a little. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x6x

  7. Aren’t all our desks like that?! As for the rest, sort it in your own time. It’s good to have a place to rest, the rest can wait xxx

  8. That is a funny pose of Silver's! At least she is covering her naughty bits with her paw/leg so she must be a real lady. Of course we all know she is a sweetie and loved very much but now she is showing her ladylike side.
    I can well understand your reluctance to move back into the main bedroom but don't worry, time will help you get everything back to some kind of normality and i am sure it is nothing as bad as you think it is in the spare/craft room. Just do things in 'your' time and if someone thinks it is a mess then they are always welcome to do a bit of tidying for you. (Start thinking that way please and don't worry.
    Sending gentle hugs, Neet 3 xx)


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