Wednesday 11 May 2022

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 675

Hello Everyone, 

I've only just realised that this is my 2000 post! I think it's quite fitting that it's a WOYWW post. I know I've not been able to participate in quite a few Wednesdays recently but I so appreciate the WOYWW community and thank our Head Desker, Julia, for hosting this weekly chance to see all the desks, messy or otherwise, of so many talented crafty ladies. 

There's not really much to see on my desk this week. Just the start of another scrapbook page. Homework for Shimelle's Scrap a Rainbow class. The colour wheel is proving very helpful. I'm thinking I might use the alphabet stamp set - it's new from Hobbycraft. That or the oversized word, 'adventure'. Decisions, decisions.

I thought I'd share these 12"x13" folders found on Craftelier. 

I'm always trying to find better ways of organising stash. Mainly because I get uncomfortable when stuff becomes unmanageable and it's the nature of scrapbooking that there's a lot of stuff to manage. 
I now have somewhere to store my cardstock and scrapbook kits and they are easily accessible.
One corner looking so much tidier. Not that it's helped me find several items that seem to have gone walkabout recently! 
Our Silver is growing up so quickly. Sadly, they aren't kittens for long. 
I was reminded just how small she was when I came across this shot of her siblings. Adorable! 
Still no book bit. It's not that I've not been reading books but not only am I The World's Slowest Scrapper but I'm now The World's Slowest Reader. All down to a combination of dyslexia and double vision caused by developing cataracts although I'm told my new glasses should help. Fingers crossed. 

And finally,
Take care everyone and have a wonderful WOYWW. 


  1. Such great paper organisation Elizabeth - hope the items you are looking for turn up. Silver has indeed grown but still looks kitten like. I could do with a colour whell myself - they do look useful. Meow to Silver. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. congrats on your own personal milestone! Looking forward to next weeks WOYWW anniversary! robyn 7

  3. Goood morning Elizabeth and Silver 🤗 loving the look off your paper combination for your layout and got tooo love a colour wheel 🤩 Fab storage, I have some see through 12 x 12 boxes for my papers, thinking your boxes are much better as you can see them all on display,love it! Great selection of books,my eyes are drawn to reclaiming joy ... wishing you joy in the reading. Our furbabies grow sooo fast 🐈🥰💕 Here's tooo you finding your missing bits and bobs 🤞 Have a fabulous week ahead. Love and hugs Tracy #8 xxxx

  4. Oh I love the Snoopy! Zak slightly horrified that Silver put in a four AM wake up call…how on earth do you stop a cat doing that??! Ashe is growing fast but sure has retained that cute kitty face, what a little beauty. That’s the problem is t it, when she looks like she does, you’d forgive her anything! I like the new storage, can totally see why it helps; we scrap in vey different ways, I choose a couple of sheets of paper and that’s it, just have my scraps at hand and all the real 12 x12 papers stay in the cupboard. Probably why the pile never seems to go down. I don’t think I’m particularly slow at it, because I get cross and bored if I can’t make the page work to my satisfaction, so am very much less patient than you, for sure!!

  5. Hi Elizabeth. I noticed you mentioned Craftelier. I had it in my head for some reason that they were not in the UK but now I think I'm wrong and must go back and have alook at them again. I understand your feelings about Silver. Our dogs are now 13 and 14 and it feels like only yesterday that they were puppies. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

  6. Congrats on your 200th milestone!! And lovely that it should be with a WOYWW post as well xx. Long may you continue is all I can say, sending hugs xx. Your organisation is looking fab, I could do with some of those plastic boxes your card is in - I don’t have a huge amount of card stock so like to keep it tidy. Look at little Silver, soo cute, she’s still a fine looking cat now!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  7. I’m loving your new organisation Ellie and it’s so good to see you joining in the fun again. You certainly had the pick of the litter with Silver. The others are so different to your pretty puss. Stay safe and well my friend.
    Annie x #9

  8. Great organisation there - a simple idea but it makes all the difference when you can easily lay your hand on stuff. That little colour wheel is neat and very useful I am sure. Take care and stay well. xxx Jo

  9. Oh I love Snoopy! Well done on the storage, I shall check that store out. It’s so important to have storage that’s accessible. As much as I love those kittens, I think Silver is just beautiful! That small book “Love Letters” looks intriguing and just the right size. I will leave to guess for what :). Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

  10. Such a fun post Elizabeth, The Snoopy will make my day, Life gets a little too hecky as I get older. I Love that color wheel and of course those kittens touch my heart. I'm failing in being the Organized one, too many interruptions lately, but you've some good helps. Our Bailey was 13 yesterday. Looking back I love your granny squares, oh I use to do so much with yarn Enjoy a good week.

  11. I used to be a real Snoopy fan, not so much these days although I still do like him. An American friend is Snoopy crazy and he collects all kinds of Snoopy-ware at Christmas. Their house is full of Snoopy ornaments during the festive season - some quite elaborate in what they do (mechanical type things).
    Love how organised you are - isn't it a good feeling when you can tidy up - trouble is it's so easy to mess up again.
    Sorry about the eye problem, hope the glasses help.
    Hugs, neet 6 xx

  12. You really are so well organised- I fear that even if I had the ideal storage I still have too much to organise properly- time to pass some stuff on I think. I do so miss having a cat so it's lovely to see yours. Hugs, Chrisx 19

  13. That's one thing I missed, is knowing our cat, Mr Jinx when he was a kitten! He moved in with us when he was about 4...he'll be 16 in June...His past owner does know where he ended up...but it took her two years, so she couldn't have looked very hard for him and he could've gone 'home' anytime. She gave me all his details which was very kind and has sent me pictures of his mum and sister.
    I love the Snoppy cartoon, was always one of my favourites! And your workspace looks so tidy! I think I'll have to stop adding stuff as the walls are being to 'bow' and its getting very hard to get through the door! Sorry I'm sooo late...Just couldn't get on line anywhere! Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) last...#20


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