Wednesday 9 February 2022

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 662

Hello Everyone,

And a happy WOYWW to Julia in the Stamping Ground and all fellow deskers everywhere. I hope you are well and finding plenty time to spend at your desks crafting. We're still enduring some wild weather here - wind, rain, more wind and yet more rain. We even had a flurry of snow on Sunday. I call it good scrapping weather. 

This is the state of my desk this morning after I'd abandoned it yesterday evening. As you can see, I'm working on yet another scrap layout so there's stuff everywhere. That rickety looking pile just visible on the left is needing sorted out - again! Though it does have to build to wobble height before I'll do anything about it. The page itself is surrounded by piles of ephemera that I've sorted roughly by size - large, medium, small. This helps with cluster building. Once the page is done, it will all be sorted by colour and returned to these plastic boxes.

There's two sets. I don't know what I'd do without them. Yes I do, I'd be working in an even bigger mess than I already do!

The kitten bit.

Silver joined me in the garden yesterday as I checked for snowdrops. She would be more than happy if I spent all day out there but it's bitterly cold even in the sunshine so fifteen minutes was more than enough for me. 

The book bit. 

The book I've been listening to this week is Elly Griffith's new book, The Locked Room. It's the latest in the series that has Dr Ruth Galloway, a forensic archaeologist, and her lover, DCI Nelson, always referred to by his surname, as the main characters. Set in Norfolk during the first Covid lockdown it has everything - mysterious deaths, domestic abuse, missing students and more. I did enjoy listening even though it did bring back the horror of Covid in vivid detail. 

And that, coincidentally, brings us to what is happening now. Alan is not too well at the moment with another episode of fatigue and breathlessness. There's nothing for it but to rest, something he doesn't do well as he hates inactivity.  In the meantime, I'm head nurse, cook and bottle washer so I'll hope you'll understand that I may take even longer than usual visiting and commenting. 

The funnies bit

And finally,

Take care and keep safe. 

Bye for now,



  1. I’m late visiting today because I’m still catching up with work from spending 6 hours to put right my errors.
    Love the latest LO and Silver always makes me smile but I’m not so happy to hear Alan is not so good again...has he been doing too much?
    Send you both lots of love and hugs,
    Annie x #5

  2. Hi Elizabeth. I do hope Alan is feeling better soon and you take as long as you like, we understand. Loving the funnies and your journal page too. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x10x

  3. Great funny - love the Minion one - I can relate to it.
    Sorry to hear Alan is not well. Is this as a result of his Covid episode at the beginning of the epidemic? I man does he get kind of recurring bouts of the symptoms?
    Hope you get time to continue with your scrapbooking, I have been enjoying seeing them.
    Stay safe and well.
    Hugs (and Thanks for the hearts) - Neet 1 xx

  4. Poor Alan, I hope he feels better soon, not least so you can get some crating time in. take care and love to you both. Helen #24

  5. Hi Elizabeth, I really need to spend some time on scrapbook layouts - yours looks beautifully put together, mine always look hurriedly thrown together! Sorry to hear Alan is suffering breathlessness and fatigue. I hope he feels better soon. I eventually had to go to the GP with my breathlessness and was diagnosed with mild COPD - the inhalers have certainly helped. Thank you for visiting my blog - I am thoroughly enjoying the crochet, as I can do just a few minutes if that's all the time I have spare. I love the colours too - they cheer me up! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #2

  6. I make a mess when scrapping. I just don't know how one page can turn my room upside down! Nice that you have things sorted by color. Your kitty is beautiful. I just finished listening to The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos by Judy Batalion. Very sad to hear of the atrocities they suffered.
    Have a great week. Sharon #25

  7. I love the layout - those gorgeous soft colours really appeal to me. What a cute picture - silver is a very pretty kitty.
    Hope you have a good week and your husband gets better soon.
    Diana xx #8

  8. I'm not fat, I'm hot lol. Hope Alan is feeling a bit better soon Elizabeth. Those boxes for ephemera are a great idea. The new page is looking great. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #14

  9. I like that definition of fat! :). Sorry to hear Alan is poorly and wishing him better soon. Have a great week Angela #9

  10. My word, I love the colour separated ephemera storage…now that’s really neat. I am packing for a weekend crop away from home so am trying to condense some stuff so that I can take lots with me, but last time I did it it caused a major reorganisation and I’m so trying to avoid that, but your storage has made me think! So sorry that Alan isn’t well, I must remind you to self care as well dear gal, or you’ll be in the same boat. We’re all rubbish at giving in and not doing much, you both have my sympathy - Alan because it’s tedious and you because OMG IT SO TEDIOUS having a bored adult on your hands!!


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