Wednesday 6 October 2021

What's In Your Workdesk Wednesday - Week 644

Hello Everyone,

It's been a few weeks since I've joined in with you all over at Julia's WOYWW - again! I hate missing any week but, as often as not, I can't make it in time. So, I think it's something of a win for me if, like this evening, late as it is, I get to join in the fun. 

And here's what's on my desk today. Time to craft, like blogging, is also very limited but I've not lost the need to create when there's a few minutes to spare so, perhaps foolishly, I've signed myself up for Youtuber Nicole Jones 911's latest Scrap-A-Thon class. This involves a challenge to create a scrap page a day for the entire month of October. I've completed the first and am working on the second so, no surprise, I'm already behind but there's no pressure to keep up - thank goodness. 

Here's the first of the challenge pages marking our Silver Anniversary this year. The papers and embellishments are mainly from Photoplay's 'Heart & Home' Collection and everything else from stash. 

I've also been invited to join a Facebook group, Scrap Backwards, formed with the intention that we use up old stash, in particular all the sheets of stickers we've amassed over the years. The idea is to create a mini kit - just big enough to make approximately four pages - based on the colours in the chosen sticker sheet. Here's the first kit I've put together.

The sticker sheet, Simple Stories 'You Are Here',from 2016 has been little used since purchase - mainly because we've never been anywhere tropical. However, I've been persuaded more recently that it's okay to use embellishments out of context. And proving, as if proof were needed, I'm a paper hoarder one of the patterned papers chosen is dated 2005! 

One of the reasons I'm so late to the party today is because of this little kitten. We had to take Silver to the vet for a pre-op check-up. She's scheduled to be neutered next Tuesday. 

That's her recovering from the trauma of the car trip to and fro - she hates being stuck in a carrier and cries all the way. 

That's it from me this week. Looking forward to checking out your desks this evening, or more probably over the next few days.

Have a lovely creative week and take care everyone. 


  1. So lovely to see you joining in the fun this week. It’s lovely to think of you doing a little crafting every day (if not every day then as often as you can). I’m sure Silver will be fine and make a speedy recovery from her op...they seem to get over these things so much better than we would.
    Look after yourselves and hoping life improves every day for you both.
    Love and hugs,
    Annie x #7

  2. You had me at the cute kitty, she's lovely, and cut toe beans too. Mine don't like the carrier or the car either, it's always such a struggle to get them to the vet. I just did a 30 day blog along last month so I feel for you with your October scrapping challenge, hope it goes well. Happy WOYWW! Elle #21, EOTC

  3. Great to see you Elizabeth, even if it's already Thursday now I'm visiting. Good for you using up old stash - we all have plenty of that!! Hope you enjoy your scrap page challenge. Hugs to you both. Helen #2

  4. Rom my cat sounds like he’s being taken to the gallows when he’s in the cat carrier! It’s embarrassing and I usually have to explain to others at the vets that he’s fine really, it just sounds terrible! Silver is a pretty cat, I bet she’s a good distraction sometimes. Lovely to see you scrapbooking, who cares if you’re behind with the challenge, as long as you’re enjoying it as and when you can.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. Good to see you Elizabeth and that you are finding some time to craft. I am sure you will finish the challenge eventually. Meow to SIlver - I hope all goes well with the op and that she gets over it soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  6. Good yo see you again Elizabth. I seem to have got behind this week as there have been lots of distractions but always like to try and visit everyone if I can. It's crazy how much stuff we collect over the years. I'm working on using or losing some of mine. Hope everything goes well with thop for your kitty though I'm sure she'll be fine. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x16x

  7. A very late WOYWW visit. Apologies, it has been a hectic week. I hope everything goes well tomorrow for Silver, I am taking Dolly in for the same op on Thursday and I am a bit anxious.. Angela #8

  8. Hi Elizabeth

    Lovely to hear from you.

    Things still sound super busy for you .. .. but I am pleased that you are still managing to find some time for your crafting. It is a lovely escape from reality isn't it. It certainly keeps me sane (well reasonably). LOL!

    I hope that Alan is OK after his fall.

    Good news that your Grandson was successful in securing a job. I hope he has settled in and is enjoying things.

    Take care Elizabeth.

    Love Jules xx


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