Friday 28 February 2020

Friday Smiles

Hello Everyone,

Happy Friday. Despite the, mainly, atrocious weather I have had lots to smile about this past week so thought I'd join Annie with her Friday Smiles.

I really enjoyed a cuddle from Ebony on a recent visit to my daughter.
She's big, massive actually, but very affectionate and a complete softy.

I had a foot care appointment in town on Tuesday which necessitated another visit to the Book and Bun - it's tough but needs must. I spotted this lovely little quilt hanging on one of the walls.
It perfectly sums up what the cafe is all about.

Directly opposite the cafe is a newly opened alteration shop. Olga's Alterations. Olga, who has recently relocated from another part of town, has put together two striking window displays. Unfortunately, the reflection from across the street spoil these shots but I thought I'd share them anyway.

I loved the old sewing machines and the antique wedding dress is quite stunning too. The tailors' dress-form dressed in an outfit made from men's ties made me smile. Olga tells me she sourced everything in the windows from charity shops, including that wedding dress!

After we had our lunch at the cafe we decided to go down to the shore, The tide was in and it was wild there.

Bitterly cold too.

Seems like there's another storm on the way, Jorge. Like the everyone else in the UK, we are now heartily fed-up with these storms and hoping Jorge will be the last. Despite having plenty to occupy and entertain me, even I'm starting to suffer from too much indoors and not enough outdoors. Spring really can't come soon enough.

Almost forgot this:
Who's up for the challenge!

Take care and, for those of you in the flooded areas, stay safe.


  1. Lovely post Elizabeth, what a beautiful dog and you can tell he loves his cuddles.
    Pretty windows displays, the vintage wedding dress is beautiful.
    Oh that's a wild and unruly sea,fabulous though. Take care of yourself Kate x x

  2. Beautiful post, love the dog and wonderful photographs. I have had a busy day spring cleaning the house and just finished with a nice soak in the bath. Have a fabulous weekend.
    Linda xxx

  3. Awwww I hope you gave Ebony a hug from me...gorgeous dog and such lovely photos of you too. That alterations shop looks really lovely...I think I'd have to have my window full of Memory bears and rabbits though hehe.
    Annie x

  4. Ebony does look gorgeous. I was just looking at Angela's funny cartoons about dogs cuddling. Now I see it for real.
    What a beautiful quilt at the Book and Bun cafe. (Do they sell books too?)
    Ooh that alteration shop window is beautiful. It's hard to believe that beautiful wedding dress came from a charity shop. And the garment
    made out of ties is a very clever concept.
    I'm sorry that you continue to have such bad weather. I can imagine you are getting 'cabin fever'. The sea really looks wild.
    I smiled at the 'No craft supplies' funny. I have a similar one about (not) drinking beer.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  5. Hi Elizabeth, Ebony is gorgeous and I know what you mean about her being a softy. I have a friend who had a female Rottweiler and she was just the same but if you didn't make a fuss of her straight away she would push you until you did and I can tell you she was a hefty madam! Lovely photos of your day out. My camera has a strange setting on it that allows you to take photographs through windows without getting these reflections but I've no idea how it does it. Not sure I'll manage the challenge Lol! Happy weekend, Angela xXx

  6. Ebony is a bit like our Kim - not in looks of course because he is a German Shepherd/mastine cross - but he is huge and such a softy, and he like nothing more than a cuddle.
    I love the sea when it is wild, even if it is cold. At least you have nice shops to visit. The dress-makers windows are beautiful.
    I do hope Jorge doesn't cause as much disruption and sorrow as the last two did. Kate x


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