Sunday 28 April 2019

Christmas Card Club - Card 9/2019 - Cosy Cute Christmas

Hello Everyone

Another fortnight gone and it's another Christmas Card Club Sunday - this time the them is Cosy Cute Christmas chosen by Zoe. Just for a change I've somehow found time to make several cards - this only because a rummage through neglected stash led to the discovery of a fairly old Hunkydory card kit, Festive Wonder, just waiting for me to delve into. The result: these four pretty cards.

All papers and toppers came with the kit. To decorate them I've dipped into my collection of card candy, dew drops and adhesive gems.

I'm also submitting these to the following challenges:

April Rudolph Day Challenge 

CHNC Challenge 435

These are just a small selection of the cards that can be made from the kit. There's still a lot of toppers and papers left yet and I expect I'll get around to using them up one day - just not today.

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend wherever you are - and hopefully with plenty of time for crafting.


  1. Wow you have been busy making these lovely cards...looks like a great kit with lots of fabulous images just perfect for the challenge xxx

  2. These are wonderful Elizabeth - and well done on making 4!! Hugs rachel xx

  3. What a beautiful selection of Cards Elizabeth, beautiful toppers and designs, Kate x

  4. You have made some gorgeous cards Elizabeth. Christine x

  5. Lovley and festive looking. I like the first two very much. Hugs Mrs A.

  6. Beautiful selection of cards xx

  7. Beautiful array of cards Elizabeth. Love every one of them. Hugs Rita xxx

  8. Goodness me...four cards! Wow.
    You did so well to make up 4 from that kit and each one is lovely!

    Thanks for taking part in the April Rudolph Days Challenge.

  9. Great use of that card kit Elizabeth, always good to find forgotten stash and then create with it. Four fabulous cards for our theme this time.

  10. Woe...these are absolutely stunning x

  11. Wow these are really pretty and colourful Elizabeth. I like them all with the delicate designs. Hugs Zoe x ps sorry I'm late commenting. xx

  12. oh, wow, what a treat to scroll through each of these beautiful cards! i love the designs, colours and images! thank you for playing along with the rudolph days challenge.
    rudolph days challenge DT

  13. Great cards - thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Challenge.

    Helen x


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