Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Back with an update

Hi Everyone,

Many thanks for the lovely get well messages received. I'm happy to report that I've been recovering quite nicely since Monday and today I'm feeling quite perky.

However, there will be no getting back to the craft room just yet.
As is the way of things, I've been called for jury duty at out local Sheriff Court. Although I've received the citation letter in the past this is the first time my number has come up - which, apparently, is still no guarantee that I'll serve on the jury ... that's dependent on a whole lot of other things!!!

One way or another, it's going to be a whole new experience!


  1. Hi there Elizabeth, hadn't spotted that you were unwell but so pleased to know you feel much better. Hopefully Spring will soon be here.


    Di xx

  2. Oh wow....that's exciting for you. Really hope the experience is a good one for you. So pleased to hear you're feeling better too.
    Annie x

  3. Great that you are feeling better.
    Good luck with jury duty.

  4. Hi Elizabeth. Trust all goes well with the jury duty.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  5. Good to hear that you are feeling better Elizabeth and hope all goes well with the jury duty, Kate x


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