Saturday 25 February 2017

Rudolf Day - Winter Berries

Hello Everyone,

Once again it's time for the Rudolph Day Challenge, hosted by our lovely ScrappyMo over on Scraps of Life. The whole idea of this challenge is to make Christmas cards/projects throughout the year thereby taking the pressure away from finding time to make them at the last minute. That being so here's my entry for February.
This card was made with old and new stash, The paper used being the old and the stamp being the new ... the postie just delivered it this week. Here's a list of supplies used:
  • base - a black 5" square card
  • patterned paper & sentiment topper - The Nancy Watt Collection,Decorative Christmas Trees from Making Cards December 2010
  • cardstock - silver, for matting, and white for the topper
  • stamp - Penny Black Winter Berries
  • ink - Stazon Jet Black
  • decoration - Nuvo Crystal Drops Navy Blue
Only one card this month ... there goes my goal of making one Christmas card a week. Once again I have kept the card as flat as possible to save on postage. The only cards that will have a lot of dimension on them will be those that can be hand delivered. 

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend wherever you are.


  1. A beautiful card, I love the use of the nuvo drops, I had to look twice as I thought that they were beads sewn on at first.

    Sue xx

  2. I had to chuckle about the hand delivered cards being the only ones allowed to be I have that same goal this year!
    Your card is so pretty. I like the peaceful blues and the your new stamp is lovely.
    Thanks for taking part in the Feb. Rudolph Days Challenge.

  3. I really lovely serene card, great shades of blue that look warm and not chilly.

    Kath x

  4. Your card is gorgeous l love the simplicity of it hope you enjoy your day x

  5. A gorgeous card Elizabeth, I so love the sketchy Penny Black stamps, I have used an old one on my card and I have some new ones ordered.
    Jean x

  6. I absolutely love this card Elizabeth, beautifully designed and coloured, Kate x

  7. I'm in love with this one!


  8. A fabulous card - thank you for sharing with us at the Rudolph Day challenge.
    Kath x

  9. How beautiful it looks
    Thank you so much for joining us at the Rudolph Days Challenge!
    Rudolph Days Challenge DT
    Dr Sonia

  10. Lovely card card with such a beautiful stamp and looks so stunning in just the one colour too

  11. wow, this is stunning, I love it!

  12. Hi Elizabeth, a super card for your stash, love the blue and silver together, glad to know I'm not the only one keeping up with making a certain number of cards each month. Happy Rudolph Day, have a wonderful week... Megan


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