Friday 29 January 2016

Friday Smiles

Evening ...

... from a very windblown Scotland!

It's time for Friday Smiles over at A Stitch In Time with Annie ... well, actually, it's way past time!!! I've been writing this post up since morning but I got somewhat distracted. You know how it goes, you see a task that needs to be done and then another and another, and before you know it it's almost bedtime, sigh! Ah well, on to what has made me smile today ... a couple of photos of my great-niece, Arihanna.
Here she is visiting us for Sunday dinner and dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. She is four years old now and growing so tall.
Listening intently to great-uncle Alan reading the fairy tale to her.

One of those many distractions was a need to clear out some very old files on the computer today. I've had it about eight years now and Google Chrome tells me the operating system is too old and they will not be supporting it in the very near future. I'm not exactly sure what this means for me but it strikes me that Google is getting to be far to dictatorial! Anyway, the warning prompted me to do some PC housekeeping, deleting old files, etc., and I found this little funny tucked away. I'm not sure whether I've shared it before, do forgive me if I have, it made me smile and as it is about a four year old it seemed appropriate too :)

We were having rather posh guests for tea when my 4 year old daughter said she wanted to wee.

Hurrying her out to the bathroom, I told her that if she needed the loo again she should tell us by saying, ‘I want to whisper’ and we will know what she means.

Well, a few weeks later when my parents were visiting she approached her granddad and said, ‘Granddad, I want to whisper’.

To which granddad replied, ‘That’s all right, you can whisper in my ear sweetheart.’

Take care and stay safe,


  1. Lol grandees often whisper in my ear 😀 I love your little red riding hood....they don't stay little for long do they?
    Have a great weekend,
    Annie x

  2. What a dear little girl Arihanna is. She looks so sweet in her Red Riding Hood costume.

    I hope you got everything sorted out Elizabeth. Is it all a mystery to you too! I enjoyed your Friday funny. Have a lovely week. Barbxx

  3. Awh that's so funny Elizabeth, you've made me chuckle
    Enjoy your weekend
    Lynn :-)

  4. Hello Elizabeth in windy Scotland from very hot humid Australia - it's so draining. Anyway your funny should brought a chuckle from me and I so can relate to the day flying by with poor mum is still waiting for a letter I've been writing for three days or it could be four... lol. Arihanna looks too cute as red riding hood...enjoy your weekend. Robyn

  5. Ah Elzabeth thanks for sharing your smiles, wee four years old! So quickly grow up as Annie says...still how they bless her heart.
    You remind me that I need to do some deleting, defrag, disk cleanup etc. bit behind on updating so been doing that last few days.

    What operating system do you have?? Windows Vista or before??

    If it's Chrome being dictatorial yet again you could try another web browser like Firefox? I love Firefox.
    Praying you'll have a techie to help you with it...

    I'll help if I can, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  6. That's brilliant Elizabeth, just hope she didn't whisper in his ear or he might have had a shock. Thanks for the visit to mine, Angela x


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