Friday 20 November 2015

Friday Smiles

Hi Everyone,

Late Friday but not too late to join in with Annie's Friday Smiles I hope. I hope you are all well and have had plenty to smile about this week. My week has not been bad at all ... well, apart from the abysmal weather which I won't dwell on ... with lots to gladden this old heart.
First up is my wee great-grandson, our very own Pudsey Bear.

Edit Note: It occurred to me after this post went live that not everyone would know about Pudsey Bear. He's the much loved mascot for the BBC's UK Charity, Children in Need.

And this is our Lacie fast asleep! Unusual though it sounds, it's fairly common in our family for our babies to sleep with their eyes open. I'm told I was an open-eyed sleeper too and my mother did find it quite unnerving at first, but she soon learned to tell the difference between me being awake or asleep.

And now, the funnies:

Don't you just love the expression on this cat's face?

If gardening is not your thing, just substitute your favourite form of crafting ...

... and just in case you are in any doubt of your crafting credentials, check the above - if you can tick of even one of these you are definitely a crafter. I confess that my ironing board is permanently set up but you are more likely to spot my everloving dashing away with the smoothing iron than you ever would yours truly!

Here's wishing you a very happy weekend.


  1. Lovely post and fab photos I'm sad to say i recognize that crafter !! Have a lovely weekend love and hugs Carole x

  2. Yes! that's me Lol! know it well. Love the little ones and the cat is brilliant. Have a great weekend, Angela x

  3. Oh Elizabeth I'm sat here giggling because I can honestly tick all the boxes....yep, I'm a crafter through and through :-) I'm fact if you cut my head off its probably written right through like a stick of rock. I love the photos....I would say open eye sleepers just don't want to miss anything :-) Thanks for sharing.
    Annie x

  4. well Elizabeth, that's new to me have never ever heard of anyone sleeping with eyes open, must've come from your dads side if it unnerved your mother I guess... still very cute plus!
    Love the puss very cute and yes me, here with ticking all the boxes too :D
    Shaz in oz.x

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards Fifth Blogaversary}

  5. Oh such cute little ones. Definitely made me smile. As did the crafters notice because yep I do most of those!! Lol Take care Zo xx

  6. Gorgeous photos of the darling tiny ones! I had not heard of babies sleeping with their eyes open! Love the funnies too! xxx

  7. Two dear little cuties. I must say the open-eyed sleepers would un-nerve me a bit I think. I love the cat with odd socks, and I can definitely put quite a few ticks on your crafters list, though not quite all of them. have a happy week. Kate x

  8. Aww they are just the cutiest and the cat too! x


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