Wednesday 13 May 2015

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - WOYWW 310

Whoops! Wednesday again! The day we reveal all to the world ... well, maybe not all, after all we don't want to frighten the horses! But all that's on our desks and so joining in with our Head Desker Julia's WOYWW challenge over at the Stamping Ground. So, without further delay, here's my desk as it is this morning.
With one kit finally cleared away ... scroll down to yesterday's post for the final layout from the kit I've been working on for many months now ... I took the opportunity to clear the desk of everything. And I do mean everything! Then I gave it a much needed wipe down ... who knew how much dust is created from paper!?!?! Having put much of the clutter back where it should be, I was able to find a corner for the rarely seen Grand Calibur, with the intention of making better use of it. You know how it is, you get a new bigger machine but keep on using the old smaller one because, because, well, because it's just quicker! So there it is ready for action. Much of the rest of the stuff at the back you've probably seen before. There's a few ink pads and tubs of embossing powder out for use later, but mostly it's glues, pens and sticky pads, my gem collection in one box, flowers in the ice-cream box (can you tell ice cream is our favourite dessert?) and a bag of scrabble letters - useful for page titles. To the front is the next layout under way and papers from the new kit I've just put together.

And that is it - a spotless desk with just what's essential on it ... it won't last, it never does :)

I'm off out to the garden for an hour or so for a bit of plant therapy. Got a few new plants to find a home for but I will be back to do some desk hopping this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing what's on your desks today.

Hope you all have a great week. Leave me a little comment to say you've called in and I will do my best to pay you a return visit.

Happy WOYWW,


  1. My house is a dust magnet at the mo - the building site creates dust even when noone is working on it! I don't worry too much about it until I notice a particularly thick layer! Today I am finishing of my little ATCs - will post one to you once we know who our PIF has to go to. x jo

  2. Love the colours you're working with today. I've just been diagnosed as having asthma so I'm learning how to get on with a puffer....the pollen round here has been high lately and it's been really blustery and think that's made it worse. Life indoors has been a little easier but we still have lots to do in the garden to get things ready for the building work to start.
    If you'd like to swap ATCs with me could you please send me your address.

    Annie x #16

  3. Great WOYWW thanks for sharing xx Jan (54)

  4. Thank you for sharing your desk today I enjoyed my visit :) #31

  5. Good job with your desk Elizabeth :) I have also cleared off mine but then everything just came back as I have less space to put things then I have things. It is interesting that ice cream is in a nice reusable box...ours in a pa per carton only good for trash.
    Shel @ PaperOcotilloStudio

  6. Looks fab! I know what you mean with machines. I've had a few different ones but am happy now with my Ebosser. Enjoy the garden. Take care Zo xx 51

  7. Your first paragraph made me lol!! I scare the horses all the time.....not a pretty sight first thing in the morning :-)
    Re the letters on the bunting. I iron some sort of interfacing onto the back of the fabric, then trace out the letters (backwards of course!) using a ruler and pencil! I'm sure you could use a die cutting machine to do them though..... You'd have to ask someone who knows about those things! Good luck anyway, have fun doing them.
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xxx

  8. I hope you've found a good home for your new plants, Elizabeth. I have had some gardening therapy this afternoon but my new purchases have yet to find the right place. I think I need to move a few things round first.
    I had to laugh at your unloved Grand Calibur. I thought it was just me, I was given one a few years ago but still prefer my trusty Cuttlebug and think I always will, it's so much easier.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs Lisax #25

  9. I have two large cutting machines but always go back to the Cuttlebug, it's just so handy so I understand. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 34

  10. I had to laugh about the machines... ( I took my cuttlebug and grand caibur to work after I got a big shot at home) :) and yep, paper is the dusti-est. I almost always make things with my glasses off because of it. ~Stacy #66

  11. I'm no gardener, finally upgraded my die cutter to a Big Shot, cause I broke TWO GCs, and I envy your tidy desk, with just the stuff you need on it. Inspiring for sure LOL!

    Happy pre-crop WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  12. No you have been cleaning that is a dirty word in my house and the desk well I can't remember when it was really cleaned down last. i am always putting stuff away and it is the center of all discussions in my house where everyone gravitates too. Great layout, keep up the good work, there is nothing like finishing off old jobs.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #67
    Very late to the party

  13. Sorry I'm so late getting to the party. But I like the look of your desk. I'm a neat freak, so this was a lovely, lovely clean desk this week. Happy exceptionally late WOYWW from # 9.


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